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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Boo is the AD at NC State. I bet he is getting hundreds of angry calls and texts from the ACC and other member schools.
  2. I am extremely gruntled
  3. Watching on TV he looked like he was about to cry after he fucked up Sark’s name.
  4. I got the impression that's exactly what this was, but I didn't read the whole thread
  5. Carter was maybe the biggest beneficiary of the 2022 redistricting. Tx31 went from R+4 and falling to R+15.
  6. Yep, my ex had the same thing the first time we tried to have kids.
  7. I didn't know you were on social security
  8. I wonder what percentage of men on Social Security would drop dead from a heart attack while getting a tits out handjob from Boobert. Maybe throw in a little dirty talk for good measure. She could single handedly save social security.
  9. Why are you taking pictures in my kitchen?? But seriously, what side is your disposal on? I have this sink (and Gaggia classic), and they put the disposal on the small side and it's a huge pain in the ass. I'm just renting this place until my kids graduate high school in 2025 so I'm not going to change it, but when they're off to college and I buy something elsewhere, I'll be looking for a large single sink or I'll remodel the kitchen and add it.
  10. That was likely a 4 point penalty. Make the call and it’s 1st and goal at about the 3 and that fight likely doesn’t happen, costing the Chargers 15 yards.
  11. Who hires a new coach first? Houston or aggy?
  12. Refs hitting byu with a delay of game when the zebra wouldn’t get out of the way and let them snap the ball is peak Big 12
  13. How many pain killers did Quinn take at halftime?
  14. They also suddenly lost both their games right after the Michigan sign stealing story broke…just saying
  15. He looks like Jimmy Page with Trump’s hair.
  16. Gene Simmons is like a 9th degree MAGA black belt.
  17. It could cause millions of dollars in improvements
  18. I don't know shit about fuck, but it seems weird they were going INTO Canada, per the initial report. Looking at that video, it looks like the area past the guard shack they blew up is a holding area or something. I wonder if they got stopped, told to go "over there" for additional screening and figured the jig was up, and decided to try to take out a few infidels rather than getting arrested?
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