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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. I'd laugh my ass off if someone like OSU used Harbaugh, Stalions, and Partridge's faces on their placards. That would be troll level expert.
  2. I bet you can get wifi on the boat no matter where you go!
  3. As long as we're in the top 4 we'll make the playoffs.
  4. JDAMS would suggest they've put a pretty big dent in Russian air defenses, right?
  5. this new "Ghost Busses" story line is so stupid. I guess the writers strike is affecting the simulation show runners as well.
  6. Has Romney endorsed a potential successor yet, or do you think he'll let the primary play out? The other guy that's declared is MAGA, right?
  7. How many of those seats are competitive? NY-03 and what others?
  8. I might donate a couple hundred bucks to an organization that would print and send said Christmas cards.
  9. Did a crazy congressman from Louisiana just threaten the director of the FBI? A director that was nominated by (checks notes) Donald Trump?
  10. Pescado_Rojo


    Never trust one after 40
  11. I wasn't planning on spending that much, but it was totally worth it.
  12. Also, they never post the whole exchange on their social media. Just their bit "Watch MTG DESTROY Deep State Christopher Wray!!"
  13. That's some County Commissioner's Court energy, there.
  14. Nice of Chip to write all the 2024 Dem campaign messaging.
  15. No one is really promoting Talarico as formidable in a race against Cruz, either. Just the opposite, really. Everyone here said he'd have no chance when it got brought up. One of the worst effects of Gerrymandering is that it makes it really hard to build a bench. With so few winnable seats out there, you have great candidates like Hinojosa, Goodwin, Talarico, etc that have nowhere to go after several years in the State ledge, or city council or whatever. Ideally they'd be able to move up to a congressional seat or state senate seat or whatever to continue to build their brand and run statewide in the future, but Texas Republicans have made that virtually impossible. Sucks, but it's what we're up against.
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