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Everything posted by tbone_

  1. Whole point of being in a band right there
  2. Dave Grohl should play with them
  3. Plus he’s a fucking genius. Exhibit A
  4. Fuck that shit. Get the Flying V out and let her rip!
  5. This is a good way to put it. Though sadly, I suspect that’s been mostly common among elected officials forever. Say and repeat the shit that will get then most voters to cheer.
  6. So pads in pants just never really mattered I guess
  7. So that’s like $1,000 worth of $200 guitars that don’t play?
  8. Like most years here in AZ
  9. I might spend $200 on that just for wall art. Does it actually play?
  10. Yea Rush is the particular fat bastard I was referring to, in what’s become a crowded field of fat bastards. I seem to remember first being aware of him and the effect he was having back in the early 90s. I mean my old man didn’t vote for Carter but he wasn’t hateful about it. He also didn’t vote for Obama but had a much different reaction that time around. Pandering to some of the lowest aspects of human nature for personal gain. Disgusting to me but I guess it’s always been a thing as long as people have been people and both sides do it, but Rush took to it a new unfortunate level imo, showed the formula, and it snowballed from there to where we are today. Good times.
  11. Although to clarify, I only read the first page. Maybe it gets better as it goes on.
  12. That thread may be the pussiest thing I’ve ever read.
  13. I agree with this. I don’t recall people being mad and hateful about politics as a hobby until that fat bastard came along.
  14. tbone_

    Getting old sucks

    Who the fuck answers the phone?
  15. The Rangers spring train in Surprise, AZ. Suburb of Phoenix. Not sure what that has to do with anything.
  16. Travis Scott tonight in Phx. Actually I’m taking my daughter and her friends and having dinner across the street while I wait to take them home. But I threw down $30 on stubhub for a cheap seat thinking maybe I’d walk in and just check it out for a min to make sure I’m as appalled as I expected to be. I’ve heard really good things.
  17. This triggers the fuck out of me
  18. Hmmmm. Interesting. Is that the only color they come in?
  19. The best part about this is as pissed as the Philly fans are, most people in Phx probably didn’t even know the Dbacks were in the playoffs.
  20. Didn’t really matter though
  21. This is a great point. Why do colleges not adopt a general manager / coach concept like the NFL?
  22. I’ll just leave this here. For those that don’t see it I don’t know what to tell you
  23. Not much better tune to put on with your girl than do that to me one more time
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