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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. The hike in interest rates has added trillions in interest income—which is making its way through the economy and contributing to job gains. The rate hikes juice the economy. The Money Velocity of the interest income juicing will determine its inflationary impact.
  2. Much better speed and stability. Thank you.
  3. It appears Space Karen plagiarized the 1980 Citroen Karin concept car (but swapped the front for the rear)
  4. Both the Senate and the House have the Constitutional right to expel any member. It requires two-thirds of the members (in the respective body) to agree on expulsion. Democrats don’t have the backbone to do the right thing. Repubs would never consider expelling a corrupt Repub-since corruption is a feature not a bug for the modern Republican Party.
  5. A sterling example of how far right Repubs have moved:
  6. Krugman is intentionally trolling the rubes on Elon’s message board And—somewhat technically—disinflation slowed last month, which indicates inflation slightly increased its pace tldr-disinflation is not deflation; disinflation requires increasing inflation, but at a slower pace. Krugman buried the lede to bait low information readers. Bad form by Krugman.
  7. This near-billionaire thinks labor is getting too uppity and needs more beatings.
  8. Core CPI up 0.3% M/M. Headline came in as expected at 0.6%. USD remains King, but giving some ground to the Yen for those reading the tea leaves as suggesting there will be a defense of the Yen against the USD. Germany looking at GDP contraction. China remains dour. Oil threatening stagnation in non-US economies. Labor is being set up as patsies in any downturn.
  9. So called “Commie” dems like Pelosi are Reagan Repugs in real life:
  10. Good legal advice for Chesboro from criminal defense attorneys at Big Law Jenner and Block. https://www.justsecurity.org/88068/a-letter-to-kenneth-chesebro-on-pleading-guilty/ As an appellate lawyer, you have probably not spent much time, or any time at all, inside a prison. But as seasoned defense counsel and former prosecutors, we have. Believe us when we tell you that prison is not where you want to spend any amount of time, much less a minimum of five years or the rest of your life. . . .
  11. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/commodities/oil-price-outlook-exxon-mobil-ceo-investment-green-energy-transition-2022-6
  12. Plutocracy fetish? Adam Smith: “The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least to neglect, persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
  13. An increase in the price of oil causes demand destruction and, paradoxically, is disinflationary overall. ———— Lag effects of rate hikes working their way through economy.
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