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Everything posted by washparkhorn

  1. TIL: Cult members hate the word cult. It's their greatest fear.
  2. So this is a Top Golf that can covert into an amphitheater?
  3. Please spoiler them. ------------------------------------------------------------- To the UN: POWELL: My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we’re giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence. Later, regarding whether Iraq had reconstituted a nuclear weapons program, he said: POWELL: There is no doubt in my mind … ------------------------------------------------------------------ According to Larry Wilkerson, Powell’s chief of staff, here’s what Powell was thinking at the time: WILKERSON: [Powell] had walked into my office musing and he said words to the effect of, ‘I wonder how we’ll all feel if we put half a million troops in Iraq and march from one end of the country to the other and find nothing.’ https://theintercept.com/2018/02/06/lie-after-lie-what-colin-powell-knew-about-iraq-fifteen-years-ago-and-what-he-told-the-un/
  4. So I guess it is common knowledge now that Kissinger is immortal . . .
  5. The media needs blood . . . to meet their performance expectations for the 4th Quarter. $$$
  6. Heads up . . . No Nut November is just around the corner.
  7. Excellent article. The issues identified remain open and unanswered. The bigger question (which we chatted about years ago) is whether there is an exit ramp from this economic tinkering practiced by the Fed. Annihilation sounds dope, I suppose. I suppose the Masters of the Universe have some ideas, in between gorging themselves in the trough.
  8. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM86LfawU/ we are in the “keep getting fucked upon on by the cat” phase of this new program. Hook ‘em.
  9. Good luck. Knee Bursitis. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/knee-bursitis/symptoms-causes/syc-20355501
  10. Progressives haven't killed anything. Progressives, as a whole, have shown party discipline. The Party agreed to pass both measures. As expected, the obstructionists (and many centrists) prefer the bill that only the subsidizes corporations and the wealthy. To its credit, the Administration has kept pushing human-centered rebuilding of a safety net. The corrupt shanked the Biden Presidency.
  11. It costs $120 billion a month to keep that bubble from collapsing. Somehow we can afford that. Fucking welfare queens.
  12. He is keeping promises to all that elected him. Others aren't. His commitment is important for Party unity. I would give him a B for attempting to stabilize the chaos. He is not responsible for Sinema and Manchin's utter depravity. The Senate needs to police itself. What those two are doing weakens our battered representative democracy.
  13. I wouldn't want to rely on Gazprom (or the State of Texas) for energy delivery. Gazprom is supplying China and Europe. There is risk in that equation for Europeans this winter.
  14. https://documents.acer.europa.eu/en/The_agency/Organisation/Documents/Energy Prices_Final.pdf While various factors have contributed to the high energy prices in Europe, the main driver is the surge in the price of natural gas. This price surge has been mainly caused by a tight global LNG market. Forward markets expect a significant drop in wholesale prices for gas and electricity in spring 2022. A key variable in the very near term is the upcoming winter and its implications for gas demand.
  15. The energy shock is occurring in Europe and Asia. We are seeing continued hoarding behavior by nation-states heading into winter. It's a contagion that is worth watching. And remember - the 2008 Oil Shock deepened the misery of the 2007-08 Great Recession. Using crude as a proxy for energy, $130+ a barrel oil (2008) would certainly damage our economic system and promote cost-push inflation. If I was in Europe, I would worry about Texas Winter Storm-type supply interruptions.
  16. Some of this is targeting the Gig economy. Targeting gig workers is a poor policy choice at this stage in the recovery. There are other funding mechanisms available. On the monetary side, we print money for banks when they are running low on funds - or when they just need a pick-me-up. We have been printing $120 Billion a month for the Financial Sector - and no one bats an eye. Over $2.5+ Trillion printed each year for the Financial Sector. Taxes don't fund this subsidy to the financial sector. It is the safety net for the financial sector. A human safety net is affordable. If we able to successfully print $2.5+ trillion a year for the financial sector (not paid for), our economic system can afford a similar financial safety net for human citizens. Fund the human sector with the same monetary tools we use to fund the financial sector. TLDR: Tax policy should be separate legislation.
  17. She has the trumpy talking points memorized now . . . What an embarrassment.
  18. He needs a psych eval before he is ever released back into the civilian population. Sad.
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