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Everything posted by derpyhorndog

  1. Since class average is one of their favorite talking points, surely they will now acknowledge that UT's is higher than A&M's on every site.
  2. Jimbo = Turkish (Snatch character indebted to Bricktop); ATM NIL boosters = Bricktop (character who feeds people that cross him to pigs). Yes, I did have to Google this.
  3. That's cool and all, but I have no idea what game you're referring to. There was one in 2018 that was pretty great.
  4. He started off strong with the "druthers" drop and Snatch reference but lost steam going into the home stretch. Yeah...no way I'm typing those words into the magic toaster while connected to work internet.
  5. Appreciate the response. Staggering Naivete would be a solid band name.
  6. If rumors are true, supposedly one of the driving forces for Kelly leaving was that Notre Dame was unwilling to pony up the cash for an assistant coach budget that was comparable to the pool that other elites had to work with. Result being frequent poaching (money whipping) of promising ND assistants for what would otherwise be lateral moves, hamstringing the program's potential. Believe it was also a rumored issue even before Kelly regime. ND being a private makes it difficult to verify.
  7. @closetojumping, I agree with the sentiment in that I certainly want the best players on the field no matter what, but your last couple posts teeter on the edge of the type of program micromanaging that has often been the subject of ridicule in the past. It's often cited as a lingering issue holding the program back and dissuading potential coaching hires. Outsider expectations (by that I mean really anyone outside the locker room, boosters included) on personnel decisions and timing for them being made. General entitlement to being appeased stemming from outsiders' status as a donor or having some other position of influence. IMO, a guy was hired to lead the program in the locker and film rooms and on the field. His and the outsiders' interests are fully aligned in maximizing the program's potential, ultimate goals being wins on the field - in turn, he keeps his job. Give him all the ancillary tools needed to excel (facilities, NIL, etc.), but ultimately trust your CEO to execute his plan to achieve that ultimate goal, or, if you don't, push him out the plane with his golden chute. What you're describing seems like one where trust in the CEO is lacking but he is kept around and micromanaged/influenced to fill the void. Losing formula. Just my opinion. Fully expecting to be insulted using some words I'll have to Google.
  8. I, for one, welcome likeminded USC posters who enjoy uncensored board content and a good ol' fashioned OU hatebang (written, of course) from time to time.
  9. Hasn’t won a state title, doubt he knew Bear Bryant (not even sure he was born by the time Bear died).
  10. While we're starting from a false premise (that the aggy poster is not talking out of his ass), Davie doesn't check the "coached HS football" or "Chicago Bears" boxes.
  11. I am going to guess that this is the Brian DeSpain in question. A&M grad, football ops and recruiting assistant under Sherman, hired as Director of Football Operations at Arizona during the Sumlin regime.
  12. Best guess is Mike Malham Jr. He played during the 70s (and was a two-time Academic All American) at Arkansas State, and went on to be drafted and play a couple years for the Chicago Bears. He then coached high school football in Arkansas for 38 years (starting in 1978) and won two state championships before retiring in 2019. His father (Mike Malham Sr.) also coached football in Arkansas from 1949 to 1989 -- 22 years at the high school ranks, and 19 seasons at Arkansas State. Father and son are both in the Arkansas High School Coaches Association Hall of Fame and Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame. Malham Sr. is described by one person as "a self-styled Bear Bryant type." Bear was from Arkansas and had a coaching tenure that overlapped with both of the Malham's. Bryant's Alabama team played against Arkansas State in 1982 while Malham Sr. was on staff. Stands to reason that Bear probably also knew the Malham's through recruiting their high school teams, and that the Malham's, with their ~80 years of combined coaching and prominence in that world, would know many other significant coaches over the decades (and Jr., who is still alive, would have a pulse on things in the SEC footprint). So yeah, he's my shot-in-the-dark guess assuming this DeSpain guy isn't full of shit in the first place (probably is).
  13. Think I can answer on behalf of @JFKFC here.
  14. NTTAWWI, but Richard Kimball is straight up mainlining the Kool-Aid: "Prediction: 10-2 (7-2) 1st in Big 12. Don’t get me wrong, I’m tired of the “Texas is Back” claims but 2022 will show that there is a new era of football forming in Austin, one that is highlighted by high-scoring, all-around offense that is paired with a hard-nosed defense. And with the SEC on the horizon, the timing for Texas football could not be any better. It may be tough to say now, but you will be saying it after this season."
  15. The personal accounts of pain and suffering afflicted by chants of "poooorrr agggiieess" that haunts them (some, for decades) to this day.
  16. It would be fair if they gave credit/recognition to other teams that have similar situations dragging down their averages. For example, our 2022 class that had a K and LS. But of course, they don't.
  17. It's from the 1994 classic, The Mask. Liar Liar was 1997. So, spot on.
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