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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Checking in. Auburn is clearly the better overall team, but if they insist on playing straight up man against the Gophers receivers they're gonna get worked on D.
  2. Complications from Pneumonia very nearly got me at the age of 32. Ended up needing thoracic surgery to peel a think layer of puss (Empyema) off my lungs. Do not play around with pneumonia, and advocate for yourself with your doctor if you aren't getting better.
  3. Are delay of games just not a thing for the Packers? That was the 2nd time the ball was snapped at 0. And Booger is unlistenable. Why does he have a job?
  4. Hell if I know. They say prices vary by fabric- Maybe that price is for burlap. All I know is that they claim to be Bespoke and have a ton of local and international clients. What do I know. I wear jeans to work every day.
  5. The Pics of Thor I posted are from a bespoke clothier in Minneapolis- King Bros. They offer a pretty good explanation about the difference between custom, MTM, and Bespoke: Their prices are too rich for my needs, but seem affordable enough.. Bespoke Suit $1095 Bespoke Shirt $175 Packages Introductory $1195 Standard $1595 Executive $2995 Advantage $4095 Is that pretty standard for Bespoke?
  6. I like Thor's style. I wonder if his taylor charges double for material.
  7. Good version, but Is it a cover if you wrote it? Either way I'm partial to this one:
  8. 1) Love your kids unconditionally 2) Model hard work and accountability 3) Love your kids unconditionally 4) Re-emphasize hard work and accountability 5) Profit?!?
  9. Kid can't catch a break. Go get em Casey!
  10. Minnesota might cover the over by halftime.
  11. For those of you considering Minnesota -13.5 @ Northwestern, QB Tanner Morgan is in the concussion protocol. And don't look for PJ Fleck for any indication whether he'll go, because PJ's comments regarding injured players are notoriously poor indicators of whether they'll actually play.
  12. You'll call it a distinction without a difference but Minnesota's starters are overwhelmingly 3 and 4 stars. They do have a few 2 and below stars on Defense (one being Antwan Winfield Jr- but most will agree that he's just a little better than that). You and the committee seem to by employing the intuitive "Alabama is better because of course they're better" approach. I'm not even saying you're wrong. Gun to the head, I'd pick Alabama in a head to head- but I'd have taken Penn State last week too. The problem (and why I think many are frustrated), is that the intuitive approach, while often correct, is difficult to defend. The committee can't say "well honestly, record be dammed, we think team A is just better, because, well, they just are." So they have to figure out how to justify it, which exposes/ creates the contradictions that people are bringing up now. Ultimately, I don't think that the Alabama v Minnesota thing matters much. If MN wins out (highly doubtful), they're in.
  13. My 9 year old loves everything WW2. I've been careful not to give him too much but he's cool with Memphis Belle, Tuskegee Airmen, and Dunkirk. Good to go on this one?
  14. Very slim. They'd have to beat Ohio State in the conference championship game. They're not THAT good. Still might lose 2 of the next 3 but who cares. Playing with house money.
  15. 10 mil initially. Gradually goes down from there.
  16. Yep, though they had to put in a lot of work to get there. Not a top 3 reason for slow ticket sales, but it certainly doesn't help that this morning was the start of Deer Season. It's a really big deal in MN and it draws a lot of people away from the city over the weekend. Even the Vikings feel it when they have home games during opener (lots of sold but empty seats).
  17. It'll take sustained success to get the students and young alum locked in, but it's possible. Right girls? Stuck at the boy's hockey tournament all day but I'll do my best to watch. Should be fun
  18. I was just having a little fun... This is all absolutely correct, except the last bit. Minnesotans have no hubris at all. Anything that resembles it is simply an overcompensated insecurity.
  19. U of M fans love the Gophers, but they also love the Wild, Wolves, and Vikings. Iowa State fans need only choose between the Cyclones and the meat raffle at the American Legion.
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