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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. You are not. Cross country skiing is the worst. Oh, you meant the weather...
  2. Somehow I read this the first time as "I cut my leg chainsawing..." and was thinking damn, this dude is hardcore. Then I took another look and... Seriously though, there are some underlying issues that could (though probably not) be in play. Since you've already let it ride for 4 months and you say you hate going to the doctor, Imma go out on a limb and say yearly physicals probably aren't a thing for you. Schedule one. They'll do a regular work up (moon riverrr...), and you'll have an opportunity to ask about it.
  3. Yeah, I was going to let his comment slide because I think he's just throwing a bone, but no. No one under the age of 65 up here changes their behavior over hot weather. Do they bitch more about it? Absolutely.
  4. Scorching rendition of "It don't Mean a Thing" by Getz and Gillespie (supporting cast are no slouches either).
  5. Sorry, couldn't help myself. Here's my actual answer. Masterfully written, beautifully sung.
  6. Bit of a strange answer to the abortion question too. All she said is that he's Catholic.
  7. She's no CJ Cregg, but I'll take it.
  8. Anyone keeping count how many Republicans are announcing that they'll vote yes?
  9. I don't know, my Minnesota lab's favorite thing in life is attacking airborne snow balls, though he's never really figured out where they go though when he obliterates them.
  10. Thanks to all who offered advice. We ended up mixing the kibble with just a little bit of peanut butter and it's working much better.
  11. Not going to quote the pic of the woman who was (presumably) shot and was being rushed out, but she was wearing maternity jeans. Jesus help us.
  12. I hear you, and generally agree, but nah. He's very underweight- emaciated really. Given his high interest in people food and low interest in dog food, I'm beginning to believe that his original owner fed him a lot of real food. It's been about two months since he was surrendered and, along with the stress, I think he's just having a hard time adjusting to dog food. We're going to experiment with a few different kinds of food and see what happens but he's in the wrong family if he thinks he's getting table scraps. That will never happen.
  13. He's sooooo skinny though. Any tips for weight gain? He is vet cleared and otherwise healthy and energetic. He loves treats and bullies, but isn't too interested in the dry kibble. He's also a grazer, which will definitely not work with the other dog.
  14. Chester has a new roommate. Meet Bruno (on the left). So far, so good! It's constant play right now, and neither give a shit what we tell them, but they love each other and we'll see what we have once a few days of newness wears off.
  15. Doubt it will move the needle much, given all the other things he's mired in.
  16. Nope. Nope. Nope. I've seen that much snow on the ground once or twice, but it was accumulated over weeks. I can't imagine waking up to that much in the morning. Those poor roofs.
  17. Me too. I don't know why, but I thought it was $600 per family. I was pretty surprised that it was 4 times that. Is it the same way with the proposed $2000? That's per person in the household? If so, I don't know... I like money, and won't give it back, but we don't need that.
  18. He's rolling this morning... Burning it all down on his way out the door.
  19. Sister in-law flew in a couple of days ago and wanted ribs. Chester kept me honest.
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