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Everything posted by TexasHooch

  1. Meh. I'll reserve my outrage for hospital administrators working from home and the politicians who are getting immunized behind closed doors. Not a fan of Rubio's but there are very real political continuity issues involved, and he's putting it out there on twitter knowing he's going to get ridiculed by the left and far right.
  2. My father in-law wakes up every morning and, instead of coffee, dumps about a 1/4 cup of dry roasted peanuts into a 12 oz bottle of diet pepsi. I think it's a hick thing more than a southern thing though, cause if he grew up any farther north he'd be Canadian.
  3. There's a couple restaurants here in the twin cities that do it. Here's a pic and a review from my favorite: Blue Door Pub's Jiffy BurgerDoesn't look too appetizing, does it? Well, wait till we tell you its secret ingredient and you'll think it's even worse: peanut butter. Yep, the stuff that toddlers eat with Wonder Bread and jelly or have worked into their hair by Mom trying to loosen a glob of chewing gum. Wrinkle your nose in disgust if you must, but hear us out, because Blue Door's Jiffy Burger is tasty enough to have captured last year's City Pages Best Burger prize. The improbable combination works in the same way Asian cuisine pairs beef with peanut sauce: nutty meets meaty, plus smoky bacon and pepper jack cheese means a rich, savory indulgence like no other among the Twin Cities burger scene. It'd probably also work as a gum-in-hair remover, though we wouldn't recommend it.
  4. Sorry. On the burger. I'm sure you could form two small patties around it before cooking (juicy lucy style) but that's not what I meant.
  5. Beans in chili. I still don't do it for my own, but my long held outrage over it has waned considerably over the years. If it works for you- and it does for many- go for it. Peanut butter in a burger. I don't get why I like it, but I do.
  6. This is new video from an old incident. He was fired after it happened- 5 years ago. He, through the union, appealed and lost.
  7. F'ng redesign... Quote button where the edit button is supposed to be.
  8. You've got to love that companies have figured out how to scale up hobo stoves and charge $500 for them. I can't speak to the big ones specifically- I hear they're great, but I've made coffee can hobos and have tried a couple manufactured ones while backpacking. They do smoke while lighting, but once they get going they burn pretty clean. I don't use them regularly for camping because It's hard to regulate the temp (they don't simmer for shit), but I suppose in a back yard pit that doesn't matter much.
  9. The article I read mentioned that "Palm Beach has enforced the agreement sporadically, giving Trump special Leeway while he served as president and frequently visited the property." Hey law dogs, does non-enforcement or selective enforcement invalidate the agreement?
  10. He just did the coin toss for the Army Navy game. I had to walk away. Honestly I can't even look at that smug SOB standing in front of kids who will willingly die for the same Constitution he is actively trying to destroy.
  11. How are we to know what and why you don't understand? Could be cognitive. Maybe it's a personality thing. Perhaps it's a byproduct of previous trauma... who hurt you?
  12. This guy... https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2020/12/04/house-has-votes-defy-trump-veto-defense-bill-hoyer-says/3824179001/
  13. I'm loving Madalorian, but all of these references to the cartoon series is killing me. Not that I mind- at all. It's just that I've tried on no fewer than 4 occasions to get into The Clone Wars and I just can't. I don't think I've ever wanted to like a series more in my life, but it's a beating for me.
  14. He's a big game trophy hunter. He's the guy who flies around the world and pays big fees/bribes to be plopped in front of animal so he can pull the trigger.
  15. Well I guess if I have to share the road with a pilot in an airplane, it might as well be this guy:
  16. Well there were two in the plane... but no. That stretch is under construction so the center is closed. Too bad because under normal circumstances he'd have had enough space to potentially avoid the SUV. Pretty remarkable that there were no injuries.
  17. A small plane crash-landed on I-35 in my neighborhood (just north of Minneapolis) last night. https://www.startribune.com/witness-plane-that-landed-on-i-35w-in-arden-hills-was-flying-way-too-low/573277671/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAiX3YRI_k4&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=AssociatedPress
  18. Numbers don't lie huh... Interesting.
  19. Superfuzz has been mentioned, but that's the first one that came to mind. Others include:
  20. Look, I know he's trying to scare me here but, truly, this sounds fucking AMAZING.
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