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Everything posted by nolongerU2horn

  1. The pics and videos I found online of Bourbon and Beyond make it look like a disaster of a grounds/setup. Just a massive field .
  2. https://www.hornfans.com/threads/the-good-ol-days-of-longhorn-netdom.350/
  3. what does @Angry Gorilla know about any imminent Muser retirement news?
  4. My Morning Jacket is beyond overdue for an ACL return
  5. Top Gun: Maverick was nominated for Best Picture last year
  6. The dialogue between Dot and Moonk was the entire point of the season. And of all Fargo seasons.
  7. Interestingly I asked my fiancee this question (she graduated in 1994) and her almost immediate answer was one that nobody else has mentioned in this thread
  8. I don't think the Rangers are one of the MLB teams that will be included here
  9. If you're gonna throw in Red Dawn you should have WarGames in there too
  10. just get him these https://www.footlocker.com/product/~/B2048800.html?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&SID=9114&inceptor=1&cm_mmc=paid search-_-google-_--_-PLA-_-DPA-_--_-P-_-Prospecting-_--_-20386827064-_--_--_-PLA-_-B204880010-_--_--_-&cm_mmc=Paid Search-_-Google-_--_-PMAX Standard-_--_--_--_--_-Evergreen-_-20386827064-_--_--_--_--_--_--_-&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA44OtBhAOEiwAj4gpOS5gjMohLGRSr8ydV0ZamaNoZBKsOeRrvN4oykuWZNHdZkvjOKNNkxoCqnQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  11. Go to Settings > Playback > and under Crossfade, make sure Automix is turned off
  12. The curse started when Jack Adkisson became Fritz and paraded around as a Nazi
  13. I mean... https://www.heb.com/product-detail/whataburger-spicy-ketchup-with-cholula/10820027
  14. Seems like Dan and Jake have something cooking with a big reveal on Feb 1
  15. Those weren't multiple calls. He pulled up his favorites and considered calling her, but chose not to.
  16. It was Michael Hayes dressed as Santa and he put a beatdown on Mike
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