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Celery Man

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Celery Man

  1. I know it’s bad to root for injuries and I’m not but karmically I feel like the risk for Tennessee is high
  2. Love just catching the jets game on red zone and they’re talking up Wilson potentially finishing the year strong and then he turns the ball over on their own 1
  3. Yeah need another look at that one, fuck these assholes
  4. Titans are such a trash organization
  5. lol looks like I’m rolling Noah Brown regardless with Tyreek out
  6. Yeah, there was a tv behind that little door - I figured it would be set up for that but it’s also such a small door that it seems pointless. It was locked with a different key and the hinges were rusty, prior owner couldn’t come up with the key. We had a baby immediately after moving in and it just never even ranked as a priority past a few feeble attempts to get the pins out. In retrospect obviously that’s where the tripped gfci was, I just stopped even thinking about the door.
  7. Well now that the passtronaut is the pastronaut Addison is worth something again.
  8. And of course we’ll first see the major advancements from degenerative ai.
  9. How are you going to track the price of Doritos but be too good for a totino’s party pizza. It’s like $4 even if you go t’zone
  10. Early seasons of Seinfeld also feel very old now. I mean, don’t get me wrong - still great, but I could see how a gen z could still see Friends as kinda modern and see season 1 Seinfeld as almost Cheers-like. Not a strong analogy but it’s like The Clash and Fleetwood Mac or something - two things that are ostensibly in the same category of thing and high level versions of that thing but they are opposite of each other. It invites comparison. Well, not Fleetwood and Clash, maybe more Beatles and Stones although I think the difference in “what does this stand for” is bigger between Seinfeld and Friends. *edit* goddamn I’m the worst at homonyms when I’m tired, my posts are going to be loaded with to/ too /two where/wear type errors for a bit
  11. I gave up on this forever ago, been busy enough with everything else. Some other electrical shit busted so back to investigating and…. duh, no shit whatever was broken was in the mystery hole in the wall, and of course it was a tv. Hey, free tv.
  12. Bad news is I have Docker. Good news is my opponent has LAC defense lol
  13. It’s not as bad if you have friends.
  14. Maybe goes without saying? But “standing in the shadows of Motown” is also worth a watch
  15. I tried that recipe too and wound up too high on the avocado side - will err higher on tomatillos and lower on the avocados. Of course, it was still delicious, just more creamy/solid than I meant to do. I think I might have lost some tomatillo from overboiling as well. you find it makes a difference to chop the cilantro? I also kicked myself for using the food processor when I think the bullet would have done it. Such a pain in the ass to clean. 2 year old approves and also fucking loves “rice with peas” these days
  16. For workout stink stuck in clothes or that comes back quickly when you put clothes back on, a sports detergent is also good to use - typically they are enzymatic and have stuff that helps break down the proteins and sweat and gunk that is getting embedded in the fabric and not coming off with soap. Whole Foods actually has a decent house brand.
  17. The names aren’t believable, surely one of them is named Steve Davidson or something.
  18. I had the same wallet for 30 years and finally replaced it with the same exact thing and then bought a front pocket wallet for a trip abroad and thought “what the fuck am I doing with my life” and haven’t put a wallet in my back pocket since.
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