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Bill Lumbergh

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bill Lumbergh

  1. And yet if they get him after he takes those OVs, the story spun will be that his heart was really always with Jimbo. That's just the power of the bond that Jimbo builds with the special people in his life. They may run around behind his back. In fact, they might do that so much that you begin to believe they're desperate to be with anyone but him. But in the end, that Jimbo bond just keeps them coming back.
  2. I don't know if I've ever love-hated a tweet this much.
  3. I would bet this was Patterson, sounds like him. I also think our speed looks worse than it actually is when our playcalls are predictable and defenders are guessing where they're going on routes. I'm not saying our speed is elite, but lack of creativity in playcalling wasn't helping our cause. Hopefully that changes next year.
  4. What year did sweed put things together? Junior?
  5. I guess he just didn't think he could fit a fifth text format into a the single image, huh?
  6. It's like we wanted to make the comfort hires look less like comfort hires, so we waited a long time to make them. In the meantime, we've made no traction on recruiting since we've had no coaches.
  7. In case you hadn't heard, the elite of the elite in the coaching world have secretly been hiding out on our support staff or coaching at Rutgers just waiting on these Texas jobs to open. It's really quite genius how we've kept them hidden under the radar like this just so no other schools could snatch them up. Kind of reminds me of how when Herman was putting together his first staff, the elite of the elite coaches in America just so happened to be guys with him at Houston or who he'd coached with in the past. Mensa indeed, always having the very best guys available be guys close by who you happen to know very well.
  8. In fairness, our previous coaches were busy being fired and our new coaches have been busy not being hired, so things have been a bit busy and some offers might have slipped through the cracks.
  9. In other words, they've given up any hope of landing him. How far down the looch list has he dropped?
  10. That's a ridiculous take. I don't believe either of these guys have ever coached at Rutgers, or even Houston for that matter. Not qualified.
  11. Ha, that's my neighbor. When I see him next I'll ask him about Valai.
  12. Bang up job today, guys. Just really great content here.
  13. You're thinking too much like an Ohio State fan. The wsu grads I know loved Leach. It's hard to express just how bad they were before he came. He made them fun to watch again, made football interesting again. At some programs, that's really what they want, as they don't expect to be playoff bound. The single point of frustration most of them will note is there record vs uw. Jimmy Lake was definitely Leach's nemesis, and I'm sure Leach is happy to be leaving him behind.
  14. Drayton won't be at any school he could portal to, either. Portaling just bc he's leaving makes sense if you think you were deliberately mislead and just want to get the hell out. Your coach getting offered an NFL gig well after you signed on isn't that. Also, towards the end of his recruitment, Bijan said he was coming to Texas unless Herman got fired. He said nothing want Drayton. So there's that.
  15. Art Briles may have been lenient on rape, but dadgummit, he was Baptist.
  16. With Cutler it seemed like everyone expected him to be better than he was and kept forcing the issue hoping he'd eventually live up to expectations. He really never did, and was always the same player he was in college. The fact that Cutler started 153 NFL games is right up there with Jeff Fisher's career progression in evidence that the folks in charge in the NFL can be astonishingly dumb.
  17. Every year there seems to be at least one QB, usually in the sec or big 10, who the media loves but clearly sucks when you watch him. Fromm has been that guy for the past two years, if not more. I look forward to guys like mcshay hyping up his NFL potential, and the inevitable shock when he never lives up to that billing. He's on the Jay Cutler career progression.
  18. At least what I read from Baylor sites is that rhule dislikes recruiting. At a place like Baylor, even with a good record, you still have to recruit your ass off. I have no idea if it's true that he dislikes it, but it would make sense for how much he's seemed to want to get to the NFL.
  19. He took OU to overtime in the conference championship game. With his backup QB. The talent differential between OU and Baylor is massive. He lost one of the best players on his less talented team and still almost beat them. You're not seeing the forest through the trees. Three years ago no one wanted the Baylor job. The fans were stuck on Briles, the roster was depleted, and there was no reason to think the next coach would do anything other than fail spectacularly. It was a job no one wanted, and he not only took it, he completely turned the program around. This is also the second time he's done exactly that with a program no one else wanted. The list of guys who have turned around two programs with zero built in advantages (and plenty of built in obstacles) is incredibly short. In a sport where evaluating coaching impact is difficult due to limited sample sizes and a large number of environmental variables for which you should account, his resume is about as good as you can get. Focusing on "what wins were impressive this season" is just failing to see the full picture here.
  20. Two things about the Evans saga with aggy could still be hilarious: 1) watching them maneuver the fifth straight 180 if he ends up going somewhere else (they loved him, then hated him when he left them off his top 5, then loved him when he showed interest again, then absolutely loathed him when they thought he committed to Georgia, and now love him again for being forced to consider aggy for lack of other options) 2) if he does end up committing to aggy, he will have gotten nothing from the wish list he's talked about for the last year (playing with George, a school with a great offensive line class coming in and history of putting elite backs in the NFL). Georgia had everything other than George. aggy has none, and actually has the opposite of his list in terms of oline and history of elite backs. So as a direct result of his own fucking around, he'll have lost the chance to go to the school that best met his wish list, and ended up at one that is as far from his list as you could imagine. You just hate to see it.
  21. So, King is an elite qb prospect who doesn't play very well because he's never focused on or learned how to play qb like some of his better performing peers? All Jimbo needs to do is sprinkle some of his magic Jimbo dust on him, teach him some of that good qb stuff, and voila! Sounds like the top qb recruit in Texas, for sure.
  22. I'll believe the including Texas part when I see it. Somehow I'm certain he'll magically be reinstated just prior to that game. It's the ou way.
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