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Everything posted by PvilleStang

  1. He's almost as bad as the derrel. Going back weeks to neg rando posts of mine. He must really be upset about that Kansas loss or something.
  2. What's even more impressive is the 661 yards with the new clock rules. Probably 10% less plays than that tceh game.
  3. Brandt Vanerial calls breakfast tacos burritos. BV prefers Tom Thumb over HEB. BV drives a Ram 1500 with his tow mirrors out 24/7. BV parks at the diesel pump to walk inside and get gas station pizza.
  4. Good idea from the business side of it, drive the new transplants to your business so they can claim they're part of the Austin legacy. But this is quite douchey from the outsider standpoint.
  5. @5:52 for the big hold play... 77, wow...
  6. The running start, or nearly knocking yourself out on a fire truck? Either way, maybe lay off the hard stuff a bit?
  7. 77 holding on that line like his life depends on it. Rig 12 blind af
  8. What is it with wives and Christmas Trees in September?! I've already been asked multiple times if we can put ours up now. I'm really leaning towards a 10' skeleton just to push back the tree questions.
  9. Again, with G650 here. Not saying it ain't true, but never heard that one. Also, I usually don't get on a 1700s boat sailing the Caribbean. Learn something everyday on Surly, but today's lesson can be shared with the family!
  10. Never heard the banana one. I do recall on a dive boat in the BVI, got sick (way too hung over to be diving), and found out the best way to treat a hangover is with an ice cold banana. It even tasted great on the way back up. Captain had a stock of them in a cooler by the helm.
  11. I'd have to go with Beyonce and Beastie Boys. Given the influence of the Beatles, MJ, Prince, and Elvis, I really can't say I'd want to get rid of them. Purple Rain, Billie Jean >>>>>> All the Single Ladies. Plus, nuking MJ means no Jackson 5, means no Janet Jackson, which means no SB wardrobe malfunction... Wait, hold on, maybe no MJ leads to half time strip shows for the Super Bowl?!
  12. How do you weight the search results? I've tried searching some random stuff in the past, and was wanting results in a chronological order, but was a ton of noise in the results. Elastic Search? Kendra? Search Blox?
  13. Holy crap, dude parks IN THE LINES and backed in properly. This is a parking job that puts most Lakeway Lexus drivers to shame. Did the doc forget to tip you after you made his morning latte or something?!
  14. Was your inner child incapable of coloring in the lines? Or did it just hate following social contracts?
  15. I know, but it's a related article posted when searching "How much rape would a Baylor rapist rape if a Baylor Rapist could rape the Pepper Hamilton Rape Report".
  16. Friday, 7:45pm or so. Closes at 10pm. You want to park like a douche, use the regular parking and double park like a normal asshole, don't use up 1.5 trailer spots.
  17. Lowes Bee Cave strikes again. In the Pro TRAILER parking, this clown parks his short bed single cab.
  18. Wait, if you, an internet friend who is dumb, agrees with his wife... you've done it, you divided by zero!
  19. What do you mean, the font is too small? Jones, what will it cost to redesign the UX? THAT MUCH? Okay, what will it cost to get an absurdly huge kiosk screen to make the font SOMEWHAT readable? Yeah, that'll teach the UX goons...
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