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Everything posted by PittsburghTiger

  1. The four-minute commercial breaks are wicked. Each episode should be 1 hour and 30 minutes of real action, then they can do the other 30 minutes for commercials.
  2. Gonna stay up for the Sprint. Might as well live a little crazy since it’s the weekend.
  3. The lines on the shoulders look like they were done with an:
  4. I’m definitely copying that and sending it to the German boys. They’ll get a good laugh at that.
  5. That was some very interesting qualifying. Very enjoyable.
  6. First practice session is in progress
  7. Jimmy Butler out about two weeks. Bad loss for them.
  8. I’ve been a proponent of the Super Best Friends Conference. I think it has to go that way. Attendance is on a 20-year slide. The biggest obstacle is the individual conference TV deals. If there is one massive deal, for everyone in the SBFC then it can work. Twelve pods, winners of the pods go to the playoffs. Non-pod games rotate each year.
  9. I’ve never rooted for a Spanish team. I’ve never rooted for an English team. I hate them both. I am well documented as a supporter of German teams.
  10. It's hard to do when you barely look to shoot. And Madrid's defense today was exceptional.
  11. I just don’t think that a guy who averages fewer than 20 ppg and added 3.5 rpg for his career is worth $43,000,000 per season. Father Time has won.
  12. 0-10 for Thompson He’s been stealing 💰 since the injuries
  13. FT shooting really pulled them over the finish line.
  14. I’m going to rewind the game to that rebound and put back by Davis. It sure looked like he was very close to being out of bounds. EDIT: Heel was close but in.
  15. Terrible time for that. He was having such a terrific game.
  16. 9-0 run for New Orleans. They’ve got a shot now.
  17. They cut the lead by being quicker and younger and then they take that advantage away by all these guys shooting threes. Make them run rather than stand and shoot from way out.
  18. Maybe that drive by Zion gets them interested.
  19. New Orleans looks like they don’t even want to be playing.
  20. The Pelicans have looked terrible for a quarter and a half. The whole arena is quiet, as are the Pelicans.
  21. You are correct, Sir. I messed up looking at 2017-18 and 2020-21 as in both of those two seasons he played for three teams.
  22. I had no idea that Griffin was still in the league. In eight of his 15 seasons, not including this season in which he has not played, he played in fewer than 50 games.
  23. I think it was a week or so before Easter and I watched the original from the mid 20s, or so. It was a silent film and was also very interesting.
  24. The commercials now where we get to see a dude apply the deodorant on his hairy pits. We know how it is supposed to work and don’t need to see it happen.
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