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Everything posted by AnTiM

  1. Dear JFF: Please find your mental twin Jussie Smollett, then both of you go jump off the edge of the earth and save the rest of us a shitload of aggravation.
  2. I remember the day a friend and I saw him break a long run in Austin right up our sideline toward us for a score. We looked at each other with our mouths hanging open, knowing we had never seen one like him. To watch him in action was always amazing for the moves he made, the hits he took, and the injuries he shook off. Thank you Vince for the joy you brought to so many. I hope the rest of your days are filled with hope, joy and love.
  3. Oh please let this be true. The SEC needs all the assholes it can get.
  4. Are you crying? There's no crying in baseball!
  5. So did he bust out laughing when Jerry offered him the Cowboys job?
  6. Judging by what I have seen on the news, most kids already know how to bypass pretty much any tracking system.
  7. found one yesterday on a site called "College Football Store". Thanks for the offer
  8. Yeah, and the people out there are actually trying to block someone. I have always wondered why other teams gain 10 or 15 yards and we usually get little or nothing. You mean there is actually a right way to run this? FML, I never knew this.
  9. Two things that stood out to me during the season, especially in the final match. The number of times our opponents are driving spikes to the floor from 15 feet behind the net, and the number of times we block spikes out of bounds while our opponents are blocking them into our backcourt. Seems like we should be doing some things different from what we are now.
  10. I had already looked at all those sites and several others, all say out of stock or no longer available.
  11. The man who said "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" should have a picture of Trump on his headstone so every last person would know exactly what he meant. Please get rid of this sorry SOB asap.
  12. Seriously, these replies have me laughing. But I am still wondering what happened.
  13. I still have not forgiven Bohls for not voting for VY for the Heisman, and if I live long enough might just piss on his grave.
  14. Maybe if we tried something that would help us win an important game more often than not the odds against us would improve....naahhhh, fuck that idea
  15. I am old enough to remember watching the Cowboys in 1960 when the closest they came to a win was a 31-31 tie against the Giants. They were bad, but at least they were trying, this bunch of clowns has quit trying.
  16. Amen to this, my cheap Linksys has been a constant PITA.
  17. I see that this is no longer available anywhere. Somebody get sued?
  18. What's a cliche? maybe you meant "caliche"?
  19. Saban is just pissed because the opposition used it against him first
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