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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. No. I think he's either referring to back in 2010(?) when PAC-10 could have had UT, TT, OU, & OSU when A&M decided to throw their little tantrum, and/or then again back in 2021 when UT and OU announced leaving to SEC, the PAC decided they didn't want the likes of Tech, OSU, TCU et al in their treehouse.
  2. Although I think it would be great if only UA and CU came to the Big 12 and the rest stayed behind in their dying conference, there is no way ASU and UU could be so obtuse as to not beg the Big 12 to take them as well should the former happen. But stranger things have happened.
  3. The UU President chose his words very carefully in this interview. Maybe I listened to it with anti-PAC 10 ears, but even though he says they're all committed right now to each other, sure sounds like he sees the big picture and is not painting himself in the PAC 10 or bust corner like the ASU president and Utah AD seemed to do the last couple of weeks. https://espn700sports.com/utes/taylor-randall-gives-the-latest-on-the-pac-12-media-rights-deal-more/
  4. Anyone going to the Dell Match play this week? It will be my first time to attend in person.
  5. But Captain Dan, she ain’t got no titties.
  6. Ah, ok. I wonder if it’s because of the two stroke penalty Schenk received in 2019 when his caddy stood behind him when he was in the bunker to talk after he had already addressed the ball, violating the rule that had been introduced outlawing caddies aligning players.
  7. Anyone know why Schenk’s caddie has “Bunker” on his back instead of “Schenk”?
  8. Picture of Robbins when he was a high school football player:
  9. I think Robbins is just playing the CYA card right now. He's hedging his bets and trying not to say anything that would get the PAC up in arms against Arizona. Let the process play out, pretend like you are completely on board with the PAC and George K. and are optimistic an acceptable TV deal is done, and then when it's not, he can say he tried but they didn't deliver. Or...he's just a dumbass. Regardless, I've pretty much stopped caring. I see the PAC dying no matter what. Either they agree to a crappy TV rights deal and fall off the college football radar the next few years, prompting Oregon and Washington to sell their souls to leave and the conference turning into WAC 2.0, or they end up turning into WAC 2.0 now when certain members bolt to the security that the Big 12 provides. Either way, it's a dead conference walking...it's just a matter of when now.
  10. NCAA basketball tourney at 2:00pm on Friday: Lookin' like it's going to be all chalk today Iowa State: Hold my beer.
  11. Didn't know that...for some reason I thought they instituted one a few years ago. Confession...I haven't been back to a high school basketball game since that trainwreck in 1992 at the FEC.
  12. 1992 5-A High School Basketball Championship game. My alma mater, Victoria High, had a huge lead on Longview. Huge. So what does Coach Smith decide to do? Decides to milk the extremely long clock playing 4-square (no shot clock then). I watched as Longview stole pass after pass to whittle away at the lead and eventually take over the game and win it. If VHS had just kept playing the way they had been, they would have had the title and hoisted the trophy. But the coach turtled up like Mr. Coach Klein vs. Red Beaulieu. Ironically, I think a shot clock would have given VHS a state title.
  13. I could see the following upsets happening: 1. Pitt over ISU 2. NC State over Creighton 3. Providence over Kentucky
  14. Damn, it's like I was really there at TexAgs reading that. You speak aggy without even a hint of an accent. You must live amongst them.
  15. So Leslie Jordan was reincarnated as the Aggy head basketball coach?
  16. I think the main reason, and the biggest benefit, is simply getting the Big 12 football brand on the NFL network in the late winter/early spring. Yes, it's a great opportunity for the players and others, but it's an even bigger opportunity to just keep the brand out there in the offseason as well.
  17. Gotta love Dodd...he knows that is going to trigger the Pac-12 Twitter Water-Carriers like Trump triggers MSNBC [/not CR].
  18. I had gotten clean, y'all. I really had. I did the 12-step program to get rid of my addiction to aggie tears. But then I went and visited the TexAgs Basketball forum this morning. Guys, that shit was pure, man. I haven't seen Aggy tears that pure in a long time. It was the good stuff, man. The really good stuff. I fell off the wagon. I snorted it up like Pacino at the end of the Scarface. They blame this loss on the NCAA seeding them #7. It's all the NCAA's fault. It's a conspiracy against them. - I'm telling you, this stuff was better than what Denzel was peddling in American Gangster.
  19. I think it’s just you, because I haven’t seen anyone say anything even insinuating such a thought. or maybe I’m reading the wrong media and tweets. Pretty certain 99% of the folks think the SEC and BIG are going to be just fine forever and it’s the other three that have unknown futures.
  20. In other words, if you want to get paid more, root for all of the conference in the NCAA tourney.
  21. The PAC 12 apologists/water-carriers love to point out that he rejects the notion that schools would leave for the Big 12. They conveniently ignore the important words "prior to being presented a media rights proposal".
  22. I'm a Tech grad...can you explain this to me like I'm 5 please?
  23. I think he's become a caricature of his avatar.
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