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Everything posted by jw4381

  1. POOOOOOORRRR Aggyyyyyyyy
  2. Just took a huge dump. Feels like winning.
  3. Tech back to reality. And so are we. sad face
  4. I fucking hate this, but I’ve lost any confidence I had. wvu 38 Texas 27 RBs 134
  5. I got to start on your mom last night. So this hits cerca la casa.
  6. The cut of your jib gets the JW seal of approval.
  7. It’s beyond stupid to be too quick to start back with fair catches and whatnot.
  8. This better be the case. That was some junior high bullshit.
  9. Galindo is a perfect example of this timeline’s shitiness.
  10. Did that 2 minutes into the game. Fuck those mofos.
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