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Everything posted by Hermanator

  1. You think a Dykes coached team isn't going to show up at home to beat Texas, who he absolutely hates, on the way out the door? And we're going in with a QB throwing 4 to 5 passes a game into the defenders hands? We aren't getting KSU or WVU level effort. We're getting everything they have to throw. This is a holy war to them and they know it's the last chance they'll get at us for years, possibly decades. You feel confident on the road against a fanatically motivated opponent with Turnover Murphy at QB? Houston is a worse team with lesser talent but similar hatred for us and they handed us our ass for almost 3 quarters. We needed a bad ref spot to escape that. Against KSU we needed possibly the worse coached game of Klieman's HC career and a tremendous defensive stop to luck out that win in the end.
  2. Throwing 5 balls a game into the hands/chest of defenders is the safety net? Expectations from backups are to drive the bus and not turn it over. Maalik is having very good starts then turning it over and not driving the bus.
  3. The situations are different. Last year in the Oklahoma State game we had two losses so the playoff was out of the picture. The conference title was still up for grabs at that that point, and both the team and Quinn could have benefited from pulling him out of a game he was practically throwing away by himself. You pull him out to settle him down and see if a fresh quarterback can guide the ship to a win, and then during the next week you build Quinn back up and start him again. No one was saying to bench him for the season. Once the TCU game came around, Sark had already made his bed and allowed Quinn to blow the Oklahoma State game so there was nothing to play for at that point. I disagree that letting him shit his pants in front of everyone for those two games had any benefit on him developing this year. The same level of shame and embarrassment in his lack of preparation would have happened from getting benched as well. Now this season is completely different. It isn't the full-time starter we are talking about, it's two backups, and whomever loses the competition for next year's starter is transferring anyway. It would have been best for next year to get a look at both under this high stress, live fire situation to see who handles it better heading into next year's competition. It would have also been best for this year to exhaust all the options and figure out which guy gives you the best chance to win now since both the playoff and the conference title are still on the line. Now there could be circumstances we don't know about such as the Mannings telling Sark they don't want Arch playing under any circumstance this year, but that just isn't really believable. It's far more believable that Sark is staying true to his tendencies of being a quarterback coach first and head coach second. Since Maalik stuck it out with him, he's going to give him every opportunity to torpedo the ship and throw away a conference title and playoff out of loyalty to his guy. It's just one of Sark's faults. Chances are we get TCU's best shot on Saturday in Ft Worth. We better hope Quinn is ready for it. If not hang on to your butts, fellas.
  4. If they had played Arch a few series and he looked even more turnover prone than Maalik then 1) holy shit we may be screwed next year and 2) at least we would know, the team would know, and the head coach would know. This game might be a big problem and it would absolutely suck ass if TCU were the team to knock us out of winning the last big 12 title on the way out the door.
  5. Arch's redshirt has zero to do with the situation. For one, the only way Arch is in college 5 years is if he's a complete bust. Secondly, even if he played against BYU in an all hands on deck tryout and was clearly better than Murphy he could have played every game up until Thanksgiving and kept the redshirt. Third, you know what's more important than a third string QB's redshirt? Winning the fucking conference and getting in the playoff. Also, I think Sark isn't handling this like a true head coach. He's handling it like a former college quarterback and offensive coordinator who refuses to bench one of his guys that he recruited. He did the exact same thing last year with Ewers. Remember the TCU and Oklahoma State games? Even though Ewers was almost solely responsible for losing those games he refused to bench him. He stated that young quarterbacks have to go through those growing pains to develop. A head coach should always put the team ahead of a young quarterback's development, but this one doesn't. And that's going to get us beat if we aren't as lucky as we were last Saturday. Unlike KSU who is built offensively in the worst possible way to attack Texas's best in the country run defense, TCU is built in the best possible way to attack our defense. Their strength is the passing game and their receivers are fast and talented. They will move the ball against us all day long, but somehow they are worse in the red zone than we are, so the defense is going to have to make plays to keep them to field goals. I do not feel good going on the road with a turnover prone, inaccurate quarterback against a team whose offense can easily attack our weakness. Unfortunately, we don't have a head coach like Saban to save Sark from his worst tendencies.
  6. Dak was very good for the 2nd straight game. Hopefully that means they've figured out a lot of things with the Texas Coast Offense. Dak running just opens up so much for him against coverage. Even now when injuries have wrecked him so bad he looks like Bruce Bochy running. Steele gave up at least 8 pressures and a couple sacks. That's horrific
  7. That was as bad a screw job as it gets. Kevin Mar is taking notes
  8. Refs going to keep hammering them. They won't let them score unless they hit something miraculous
  9. Bell did what I always wondered why defensive players don't do. If a dude sticks his arm out to stiff arm you grab it and arm bar him. You'll either snap it or he'll go right down
  10. From the tent to the TD. Not bad for a 5th WR who shouldn't have a roster spot
  11. That's just dumb. His return abilities have brought way more value than whatever 5th WR spare would replace him. Ferguson has hit another gear as a receiving TE.
  12. Of course they go 3 and out then give up a TD drive. But true to Cowboys vs Eagles form this will still come down to the last drive.
  13. Sir, Maalik Murphy ain't got nothing to do with this
  14. So which posters are in the picture? From bottom: Imma ? Party in the back is Mr Rogue? Brooding dude in back? Glasses on hat? James Trivette?
  15. It's impossible to guarantee no trace amounts of THC. You could still pop for drug tests even if only taking CBD products.
  16. I thought they were playing at Arrowhead for a bit until I saw the Frankfurt on the sideline. That German crowd really got into the Chiefs and the tomahawk chop chanting. Here's a weird transitive property NFL situation. Dolphins put up 70 on Broncos, Broncos beat Chiefs by 15, Chiefs beat Dolphins by 7.
  17. If he was just erratic and throwing 1 to 2 balls that were picked or could have been then I'd say it's freshman issues, but that isn't the case here. He's throwing 4 to 6 balls a game that could be picked. He's been fortunate guys haven't gotten a beat on his throws yet. It's possible Sark just thinks Arch isn't ready and doesn't want him to get exposed but he's letting Murphy get exposed badly. He shouldn't be letting Murphy throw over the middle unless it's deep middle. He should be scheming 1 read with a dump off outlet and mixing up his RPO looks. And Murphy should fucking know if that one read isn't there then look to the dumpoff and if that's not there throw it in the ground/out of bounds or eat it. I just refuse to believe Arch would be this bad and careless with the ball. He played in an offensive system at Isidore Newman similar to Sark's with much of the same terminology (according to Hamilton) so he came in 10 months ago with familiarity. Isidore Newman is also out talented in a lot of positions so he grew up playing under pressure and having to make throw it away/eat it/scramble decisions. It's what he's used to doing. If nothing else he's far more mobile so defenses would have to play him to run opening up passing lanes.
  18. Quickly went back over the first quarter to see what looks they were getting and it's tough to tell from tv but looked like KSU inexplicably came out in a lot of man coverage with numbers up to stop the run giving AD and Worthy free reign to abuse their corners. Once they switched out to more of their zone looks Murphy started looking shitty but they were already down 17 pts. I doubt TCU makes that mistake, but I'm shocked Klieman's guys made that mistake. Overall KSU coaches really coached a very shitty game. Horrible mistakes all around by those guys.
  19. Maalik might be the best backup QB for this situation. The problem is we'll never know. The bigger problem is this show goes on the road and if Ewers isn't ready for next Saturday then Maalik might throw us out of the game. We gotta hope Ewers is ready because it's too late to get Arch ready for the road game.
  20. It's both. You aren't winning the title without elite players but you also aren't winning it without quality coaching or a QB/defense who can overcome coaching mistakes. Right now we have elite talent at a lot of spots but too many coaching mistakes.
  21. Saban won with Greg f'n McElroy. Got to a national title game with a version of Jalen Hurts that couldn't throw, then won it after going to a true freshman in the NC game. Stoops won one with a game manager QB. Meyer won 2 with a QB that got exposed in the NFL because he couldn't throw. There's many more examples. The way they were able to win? Recruit elite talent then coach to those teams strengths and weaknesses, and show the ability to change things up when they aren't working. To adjust their coaching style to the team they have. Sark has shown he can recruit elite talent but he needs a ton of work on the other aspects of being an elite HC. It's why now Sark is an elite recruiter and very very good play caller but not a great HC. The problem is he's not showing that he's recognizing his faults and improving them. He's not adjusting. That's our concern, dude.
  22. A lot of these mistakes cost us the loss in the Cotton bowl and they're not being addressed. Sark's unwillingness to coach to the team he has, and against the opponent in front of him, along with a lack of self evaluation and adjustments is what keeps him from taking the step from great recruiter and play caller to great head coach. That's why we'll need a Burrow type that takes that out of his hands a lot and who can make the adjustments on the field in real time and get his offense into the right positions. Honestly, the good news is if anyone can do that with experience it should be a Manning.
  23. That's not true at all. He's failing to coach to the team he has. His team is nearly last in CFB in red zone percentage yet he still keeps trying to force it like they're the best in the country in red zone. He's even forcing it with a backup QB. That's not coaching to your strengths and that's being oblivious to your weaknesses. That's poor coaching. Just like Klieman today. He knew Texas has about the worst red zone offense in the country and a backup QB who has 4 turnovers in 2 games and has thrown an additional 4 or 5 balls that were in defenders hands but dropped and he's in a red zone competition with them. His team is one of the best in the conference in red zone conversion rate. He completely failed to properly assess his team, the opponent, and the situation there. That's why it's a failure as a coach and cost his team the win.
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