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Everything posted by Landomatic

  1. Hope you're wrong, or at least your reasoning is. If Muschamp would rather take the Texas DC job than an analyst job under Saban because the analyst job would be too stressful and the UT job would be an easier path, then I don't want him. Fuck that pussy ass mentality shit.
  2. Well...I mean...who among us...
  3. Great idea. Surprised someone else hasn't done that already.
  4. Offensive play calling was not our problem in that game. Not even close.
  5. Thought the same yesterday. Simple, Unfunny George bashing the TV show Friends for not being funny is about as good as Simple, Unmusical George bash any other musician for not being musical.
  6. It may not require as much glad handing, but it requires every bit as many hours, if not more. Nobody’s going to the NFL in hopes that it frees them up to spend more time with their family.
  7. I don’t believe he will either. I just said he should fire him.
  8. Not a very good read on the room, but... hesrightyouknow.gif
  9. Looks to me like you’re right. And he looks to be spending most of that big paycheck at the grocery store.
  10. Then you should probably find a different team. Because that's one thing that is almost guaranteed never to change...at least in our lifetimes. BTW, what is a MNC in pro football?
  11. People make way too much of this narrative. Jerry had nothing (or very little) to do with the Cowboys sucking this year. Other than if you want to say he picked wrong when he hired McCarthy, in which there are tons of "football guys" not named Jerry Jones who would have made the same hire, or at least supported it. Tired argument is tired. It's got some validity in certain contexts, but people need to stop trying to shove it into every little negative scenario that has to do with the Cowboys.
  12. Eh I don’t know. I was okay with the hire. Hard to know if that was gonna be an Andy Reid type deal or the opposite. Unfortunately, it looks like it was the opposite. But I agree, of all years, this would be a pretty easy one for Jerry to pivot and take the mulligan, while still thinking he’s keeping his pride in tact.
  13. I’ve never been for firing a coach after just one season. Until now. MM is lost and needs to go. He’s just clearly not the guy
  14. I think this played a role in that... Show us on the doll where the strength and conditioning coach touched you. Maybe coordinators, but not 10 positions. I think S&C is more important than you know.
  15. This is a really nice way of saying, there are some duuuuuumn mother fuckers on this site
  16. There’s never anything awesome about that fucking clown
  17. Now that you know what we’ve all known for years, that $9.95ers are a fucking waste of money and only for suckers, just do us all a huge favor... 1. Drink 3 bottles of wine and some vodka 2. Start the process of trying to cancel all your worthless 9.95 subscriptions 3. Document in a new thread here and let the comedy ensue 4. ??? 5. Profit
  18. I think Knute Rockne should stay ND’s winningest coach of all time. You know, for like historical preservation purposes and shit.
  19. You're supposed to tip when you win on a slot? Who are you supposed to tip? The cashier that cashes you out? I could see slinging the waitress who brought you a drink while you were sitting there (if that happened) a nice little something extra for her good luck or whatever. Since this dude only put $40 in, I doubt he even really had time to order a drink. But other than that, who would have anything to do with it? The housekeeping lady vacuuming around the machine you're at? I don't play slots, nor have I ever won a big jackpot, so I guess I probably won't ever have to worry about it.
  20. Soooooo, are we still clamoring for Dan Mullen to replace Herman? Or nah?
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