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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. Now we go back to the cute bullshit on offense. Great move mensa
  2. Mensa may have mensa'd himself with that TO. We had a better chance of stopping that play action
  3. Hard to over turn it? How? Because you can see in video he's short. Wtf. Any doubt we get fucked as usual?
  4. He's down short of the goal line . But refs gonna ref
  5. Yep. Ou can't even comprehend the way smart mensa adjustments. They just think they are kicking our ass. They haven't caught up the the matrix that is mensa yet. And when they do ....that's when mensa has them
  6. 1.1 yards per carry. And now the defense is gassed. I'm done. Nap time. Fuck it all
  7. Oh good 3d and long again. Sam hasn't thrown a decent ball all day
  8. I get that the qb ultimately makes the decision where to throw, but how the fuck is that the best option on 3rd and 1? How is that even a play that gets called ?
  9. Fuck these refs. If that was us it would have been reviewed
  10. Of course. We can't stop shit. And ou knows where the sticks are
  11. Winning isn't nearly as important as being super woke, yo
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