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Everything posted by cattail

  1. I don’t know why, but Ms fletcher does it for me
  2. The reason they refuse to retire is because they can’t. Their narcissism caused many of them to burn through retirement savings, expecting others to shoulder the burden.
  3. Isn’t part of that PINS An unofficial nude beach?
  4. Disturbing to say the least. All knowing he was in camera. At least the DA files charges. This type of thing could have killed the old man if he hit his head wrong on the pavement. http:// https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Deputy-indicted-on-assault-charge-after-14572392.php Video on imgur http:// https://imgur.com/gallery/TxJAFSa
  5. There are bleks sitting in prison longer for having a big bag of weed....
  6. Even we agree it was a reasonable mistake. I can not justify the actions afterward. “know your target and what is behind it”. Firearms 101. I mean it’s an apartment complex. What if Jean happened to be a maintenance man who had gone in to shut off a leaky pipe or something. First instinct to blast just doesn’t hold up IMHO
  7. The failure to attempt to render any sort of first aid is some cold blooded shit.
  8. I wonder how much steroid use plays into this sort of behavior. Many LE abuse testosterone injections for the sake of treating “low T”.
  9. http:// https://m.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-police-investigator-probing-failed-drug-13724869.php It just gets messier
  10. https://www.kcentv.com/mobile/article/news/local/no-charges-filed-in-killeen-shooting-caught-on-video-bell-county-da-says/500-e5422aaa-b884-4e97-8d8c-0967d6a4aa6d Unsure why this shooting deserved no charges. Man seems to be clearly unarmed and there seemed to be no fear of imminent death for the shooter. Plot thickens as shooter is allegedly son of KPD Officer. Killeen has always been sketchy, but wow. Edit- video in article
  11. Where is Constant? I want him to weigh in. /crickets
  12. To see all the librul tears is worth it - pet trumpkins
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