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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. Just FYI I've seen him play live twice and he's incredible
  2. Houndstooth sucks. It's just a big open concrete sports bar. It used to be cool but they tore it down. Gallettes is right by the stadium. It's cheap, with good drinks, but will be slammed. Still I recommend it over downtown and then the long walk in.
  3. Tom doesn't care about power. He cares about prestige. He hordes information and absorbs pain and contempt for the purposes of achieving prestige. It's the foundation of his personal insecurity. A CEO that actually does nothing is a perfect job for him. I bet his childhood dream was to grow up to be Vice President of the United States.
  4. That's unfortunate. My wife and I spent our honeymoon in Sorrento in 2004 and it was fantastic.
  5. Or: Automatic Seafood Hot and Hot Le Fresca
  6. Recently for no reason whatsoever I was thinking of what Lane calls Pete right before he beats his ass. He calls him a "grimy little pimp," which is a great insult, but something I thought he just sort of blurted out in anger. The more I think about it, though, the more elegant an insult it really is. He is condemning Pete's entire character, while acknowledging that something that should be beautiful and special (a sexual experience or, in this case, the artistic expression of high-end advertising) has attached to it a regrettable but completely necessary aspect, which is Pete, who is nothing more than dirty, wretched salesperson whose unctuous manipulations and amoral tactics make everything a little more shabby. Pete is like a pimp, whose very presence abases everything they collectively do. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk
  7. get reservations at Helen, Bottega, or Chez Fonfon if you can
  8. Danny McBride is a national treasure. I bet you didn't like Eastbound & Down
  9. Casino Royals and Skyfall both kicked ass.
  10. it's poopeh (Jamie Tartt voice)
  11. Just responding to what was said. I'm not going to belabor it.
  12. When Uncle Baby Billy is at Cousins' Night showcasing his show and gets everybody to introduce themselves, he is walking around the table and Keefe starts to say something and UBB just says "uh uh" and keeps moving - that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my entire life. I have been laughing about it for nearly a week, several times a day.
  13. It depends entirely on where you were shot and what projectile was used. You could be shot by a .223 green tip that would poke a hole in you in a place that heals well or you could take a .45 hollow point to the chest that put a grapefruit size wound cavity in you. There are a lot of factors that determine whether a gun shot is fatal.
  14. That's too bad, because Tenet fucking blew
  15. I'm reading this now. It's a bruiser.
  16. If you have time, I second Civil Rights Museum. I also highly recommend the Barber Motorcycle Museum. In Tuscaloosa, Archibald's is excellent. Dreamland is just okay and it will be a tourist trap. I have no idea where you will be able to park the RV but good luck.
  17. I think that's unresolved. I think Ted is still on a course of change, but right now he's coaching his kid in soccer. We are rewatching the show with one of our kids and I've got to say it really is excellent. Even some stuff I didn't like the first time has more weight this time around.
  18. AB makes me very sad. Years ago, he was a guest coach at a free football camp here in Alabama that was put on by Dre Kirkpatrick. My in-laws are all Steelers fan so my son is too. And AB was his favorite player. I took my son (then in the fourth grade) figuring worst case scenario he'd stand around at some lame deal where they would maybe do a meet and greet, do some flag football drills, whatever. Instead they had a full-blown practice. High school kids were puking during bear crawls while gangster rap blared over the PA. It was rainy, and like 90 degrees. It was awesome. Sometime during the event, my son ended up talking with AB. AB ran over to me, got my phone, and took a selfie with them. Then after the practice, AB saw us walking to our car, stopped his driver who was taking him to the airport, and got out so he could sign my son's Steelers jersey he had in the car. The dude could not have been any nicer. The picture ended up being on my son's bday cake that year and his friends were suitably impressed.
  19. Stay at the Omni. It's nice and relatively inexpensive, centrally located, and attached to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. Plus the Bob's Steak & Chop House in the lobby is reliably good.
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