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Everything posted by destroya

  1. Herman needs to maximize every facet of the program. He gets that on the social media front. But he fails to do so with his coaching staff. That’s going to make or break his tenure at Texas.
  2. Water is a good analogy for stuff like this. It's not about stopping it; it's about letting it float on down the river.
  3. Garret will fit right in at OSU. He's an understanding young man and realizes not everybody is the perfect person in the world. Everyone does -- kills people, murders people, steals from you, steals from me, beats and chokes their wife, covers up domestic violence and lies about it. I just feel that people need to give him a chance. He's pretty already the next Terrelle Pryor and hasn't even graduated high school. Let's give the kid credit.
  4. He couldn't even make it as a latex salesman.
  5. To paraphrase the girl's mom, if you need a taser to subdue an 11 year old girl, you don't need to be a police officer.
  6. Maybe we shouldn't try and apply logical consistency to statements made by a teenager to a 9.95er.
  7. They caught the guy. Craig Carter, 27. His Facebook would make Alex Jones blush. Accuses the govt of using synthetic telepathy and voice to skull tech to steal thoughts and torture US citizens
  8. Maybe this is my cognitive dissonance kicking in, but I don't care about recruiting as much this year. I'm sick of losing and not much other than winning football games matters much to me. I'm bullish on the season and feel recruiting will be alright if we do what we need to do on the field. Beyond that there's not a lot of fucks to give.
  9. Good luck to everyone on this thread. I went through a funk around the holidays. One contributing factor was getting sick and being unable to exercise. Not being active showed me that exercise really is a natural mood enhancer. I can't recommend strenuous exercise enough. The endorphin release and being left completely spent are so good for my mental wellbeing, plus it makes sleeping easier. All the best to everyone on this thread. eta: exercise also gives me a sense of accomplishment, which is always a plus for my wellbeing
  10. Some people don't give a damn about their reputations. Pacman obviously does.
  11. ice is always an option and it won't throw you out of ketosis, and if you're in austin our ice is gluten free
  12. These motherfuckers really think they're the tail wagging the dog.
  13. Thanks for posting this. Reminds me of why I get a kick out of people who project players as freshman difference makers before they've played their senior year of HS ball.
  14. I've got a roku for streaming and a digital antenna that I got off Amazon. Trying to find a streaming service for local channels seems more complicated than an antenna. Plus with a digital antenna you get all the sub channels.
  15. Why not get an antenna and pick them up over the air? Is there a reason you want to stream local channels?
  16. What everyone else says. It's never good when the most notable aspect about a show is a convoluted narrative structure as opposed to its plot, themes, characters etc. Decent enough but disappointing that it wasn't nearly as good as it could have been.
  17. Providers have structured their rates to appear to be the most best deal on powertochoose.com, ie you pay a flat rate for any usage between 501 and 1000 kWh which shows a really low price per kWh on power to choose but is a crappy plan if your average usage is 700 kWh. If he can get the average usage from the apartment complex he can plug those numbers into powertochoose to see what rate is the best deal based on his assumed usage.
  18. something somethig something...Talking Heads...Stop Making Sense...something something something
  19. Salty sow, con tigo, and ranch 616 are all solid and all have nice patios. 616 will be more of a scene than the other places and since it's on W6th you can hit some bars after.
  20. For a quick new series, Fauda is killer. It's an Isreali series that focuses on an undercover hit team going after a Hamas terrorist.
  21. Spoon Neil Young Rolling Stones Aretha Franklin Roxy Music Cat Stevens Led Zeppelin Bob Mould/Husker Du
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