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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. What time is the Human Centipede hour today? TIA
  2. Hope this doesn't drag on too long.otherwise: Football…Georgia Bulls? Yeah, they play with Alabama... Great team. Tremendous team. You remember Herschel Walker, right? I owned him for five, six years. Like that, again and again they just win the championship..7, 8. I almost bought them at one point…they wanted too much, you know I only make good deals, I wrote a book on it, you should read it…deals. I was at a coaches’ conference, all these big coaches, “Mr. Trump”; that’s what they called me, cuz I wasn’t the President yet; tears, big guys, tears; “Why didn’t you buy the Bulls?” They’re gonna win every game..we’ll see. Maybe, maybe not. It’s a beautiful stadium they play in. Huge concrete..marble. Very, very, very nice place. A lot of people have said that. I’m not saying they’ll win every game…who knows.. they very well could lose every game. But I know. I’d bet on it if I was you. Next question…
  3. Dibs on the punk band names: Wet Market DP Corn Cob Pangolin Penis Bat Soup
  4. Fun Fact: REM second album Reckoning: 2. "7 Chinese Bros." – 4:18 3. "So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)" – 3:15
  5. Mrs. Saucy loves ours, too. The reverse air flow/suction can lead to some fun as a side benefit. Here she is setting the thing up. No comments on the wife, you fucking animals, she's a bit sensitive.
  6. I happen to be one myself. My mentality is one of being on war footing, so not really a question I am asking myself. As a "small operator", I don't allow myself to become leveraged. I guess you could call your Congress Critter.
  7. Texas highest courts' orders, dated last week (March 13). Justice of the Peace courts handle practically all evictions in Texas and had suspended those proceedings along with all others Monday. Most courts in Texas are in some high level of suspension of cases. But yeah, Trumps got this. https://www.txcourts.gov/media/1446056/209042.pdf
  8. Had a flashback to 1987, that was the first time I heard that voiced. LOL Dave Matthews is weak ass sauce for Gen X. Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Who, Led Zep on front end, and Clash, AC/DC, U2 on the back end for Boomers. Got to give you credit for posting with a vengeance; even though a lot of it does not have factual underpinnings. Party on, Garth!
  9. Live look at guess who's campaign
  10. Johns Hopkins https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  11. Dang, you both-sided yourself in less than 45 minutes.
  12. The Sanders' voters that don't vote for Biden in November were never going to. No need to focus (waste time and resources) on that group. Resources are exponentially better deployed turning out the AA vote in battleground states. [BTW, I've talked to plenty of Bernie supporters who will vote for whoever the D nominee is./csb]
  13. There is absolutely nothing unique (new) about this voting behavior.
  14. Even in crisis, surly gonna surly: 1,2 Use that wet one on your crack, won't go back!
  15. Extremely involved for 35+ years. Y Some individuals that are posted about here, I actually have interacted with.
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