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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Take the loss, Pussy It's a joke don't get bent out of shape
  2. Do you think in the next two weeks or so that you could have a perception of being President. That's really all that is needed from your end.
  3. WTF, you don't like the way he looked?
  4. Fuck Around Get Fucked in the Ass...Repeatedly FAFAR
  5. I was in the classroom. Got a 9. Portalled to Liberal Arts.
  6. For you young'ins, that's called a modified blumpie
  7. I don't think Jork is talking to any Sexton candidates. He's talking to Master P's stable. 12th man D chess.
  8. I was sitting next to Gunnar Helm‘s dad. He said he loves it here.
  9. SaucyJack


    Lemme go get the “20__” plaque. Lol
  10. SaucyJack


    Alabama win brainwashed the unwashed masses.
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