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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Narrator:” It’s ending badly for everybody”.
  2. GS forecast for Brent is now only $94, and $97 for 2024..
  3. This guy seems happy
  4. Who the fuck is Al? AI can't do that, motherfuckers!
  5. Shot in the head and you’re to blame, you give love a bad name. Jovi 3:18
  6. Laughing at 'tankies' from the the 60s. 2018 https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/6/17656996/trump-republican-party-russia-rather-democrat-ohio
  7. Am I the only one who thinks this is pocket change? Maybe my perspective is skewed.
  8. Hank actually won. Shit changed after the election. I was on Team Hank, bitches. The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You!
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