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Everything posted by NTVTXN

  1. What in the hell is going on here?
  2. In all seriousness, this is awesome. good for you! Not to be too preachy, but spend as much time as possible with her as you possibly can. As I’m learning (ours are 14 & 20), they grow up waayyyy too quickly. 🥲 Hope y’all have a great time!
  3. A synopsis… This Jarrett dude is something…wow
  4. Great point and one that I actually should’ve thought of, as I’ve been in the athletic footwear industry my entire career.😅 I have no idea what the kid’s AAU Team wears, Adi, Nike, UA, etc…but this is as viable a reason as any for UDub to be included. We all know money talks.
  5. One of these things is not like the others. Someone pls help me understand UW. They didn’t even make the tournament last year. NIL? Old HS or AAU Coach on the staff?
  6. As a Dad, I know I want my kids to do better than I have. And I’ve got a pretty damn good life. 🤘🏻
  7. Holy shit. That steak looks like it was cooked by Lincoln Riley.
  8. That’s what I told my wife. ”Get that chicken-chested fool off the table!” But yeah, I like him. And if we’re taking about a 70yr old Pitino- Hell, just back up a Brinks to Coach K’s bank and “direct deposit” that shit right into his account.


    Sir, the preferred nomenclature is “terminally Caucasian”.
  10. While “Achtung” is a great album, this is lunacy. While “Joshua Tree” & “Achtung Baby” are both great albums, ESTES VERDAD!
  11. NTVTXN


    Hey, no shame in my game- I actually like a few of their songs. But then again, I’m a 54yo Caucasian Dad…so, yeah…
  12. I’m going to assume they used it due to the large presence of vowels. I tend to used “adieu”… oh, I also learned that “outie” has two spellings/meanings….
  13. LOL and damn, a LOT of this hits close to home. I mean, I’m bald’ish (you could show a movie on my forehead) and what I do have is graying like an SOB. I do like classic rock (and alt, and punk, and classic country)- However, and getting back on topic, I think Springsteen is MASSIVELY overrated.😉 (oh, and I don’t drive a mclaren)
  14. I’m curious to hear @BrickHorn’s opinion on Billy Duffy’s playing. i will clarify, I cannot play one single note on any musical instrument and I’m sad that I can’t/never learned. I was of the opinion as a kid/teenager that music/choir/band kids were the geeks/nerds. I said it up thread in an earlier post, 15-18yo me was a bit of a dumbass at times.
  15. Yup, this is me. If we’re sitting around having beers and a listening to a random playlist, cool. But if you tee up “Hair Rock” or whatever it is on Amazon/Sirius/Apple….I’m out.
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