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Everything posted by NTVTXN

  1. Damn. This kid is an amazing athlete and has a purpose for what he’s doing. Kenneth Sims is one of my favorite Longhorns for the havoc he reeked on opposing Offenses. Colin is about to go do the same.🤘🏻
  2. PSA- Nike reloaded the Kill Shot in desert orange. https://www.nike.com/t/killshot-2-leather-mens-shoe-zrq1wk/432997-127?referrer=singular_click_id%3Ddde0a66d-9b19-4e52-bf51-583e89db301b
  3. I hear you, but I’m betting this is likely a Student Athlete re-selling it.
  4. There’s a XXL on EBay right now. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186161028355?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=S9oPLDzxQlC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=tpKKOXW9RvO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. I was at TRE this past weekend and a kid walked into our Booth wearing this. i inquired- “Where did you get that hoodie???!” He replied, “I swim for Texas”. My response, “🫤 &🤘🏻” 🙄🤣😂🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
  6. I’m pretty sure that’s a lululemon offering. If so, it’s at the CoOp.
  7. Not sure how many of us there caught this; but during a break they showed crowd shots on Jerruh’s gigatron tv. There was a woman who had a phone case that read “FUCK YOU BRETT YORMARK” As she was videoing the going’s on, it was facing the camera and got caught on the big screen. Those of us in Section 305 all cracked up 😂 🖕🏻YOU yormark!! 🤘🏻
  8. This was glorious. After yormark struggled to find his train of thoughts as we were jeering the shit out of him- (we only “stopped” long enough to let him TRY to begin before pouring it on again!). Then, Sark yanked that trophy out of yormark’s mealy grip (get in the gym, Bitch) just like the Team took it from their competitors this season!🤘🏻🤘🏻😆😆😂🤣
  9. This is true for holders of the “Big Ticket”. If one “claims” their ticket to an event and no-shows it is my understanding that they get one mulligan. If it happens again, they’re SOL the rest of the season.
  10. Yup. God Bless America- and the idiots in College Station.
  11. This is fantastic. Thanks for posting!
  12. I’ll be damned if this doesn’t hit close to home. You must’ve worked at the Fair this year guessing ages and weight. That was you; wasn’t it? 😅😂
  13. This was me and my 14yo Daughter. Except we walked by the IPA thingy without stopping and while in line at Fletchers she had a lemonade. I skipped my normal warm Shiner in a waxy cup this year- so this loss is on me.😠😡🤬 And there will be zero pics, you animals.🖕🏻 On to BYU…🤘🏻
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