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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. They were both pretty clearly counting on the Dems acting like the same loser party that has always bailed them out of responsibility for their own behavior. Oops.
  2. It's always nice to be proven right about something like five minutes later.
  3. I agree that this probably is his main reason for leaving Moscow and St. Petersburg untouched for now, but it's been pretty widely reported that the overthrow and death of Gaddafi terrified him and much of his behavior since then seems to bear that out. Can't say I blame him, getting sodomized to death by an angry mob seems like it would suck.
  4. Astros: Rangers: Actually, can't show that because it's extremely illegal.
  5. It's more likely than you're considering. I'm not saying it's more likely than not, but there's real fissures among people on the right. A lot of them absolutely fucking hate each other. The longer this drags on, the likelier it becomes that enough of the "moderates" say fuck it and go to Dems requesting some sort of deal.
  6. wildcat09


    *White-supremacist led government spends decades defunding and closing schools that serve black communities and passing laws to imprison black people for crimes white people don't get charged for* Poe: "Lazy, irresponsible blacks!"
  7. What's very funny about Fastbreak's idiocy is that how the Dems would usually fuck something like this up would've been to support McCarthy for nothing. That would've been consistent with their long history of loser behavior that has actually done more harm than good by hiding the truth about the Republican party from the public. Since Trump was elected, but even really for a few years if not decades before that, the Democrats have been behaving as if the extremists in the Republican party were just a fringe element and that most of the Republican party were responsible adults who they just disagreed with on certain policy specifics. That enabled the media to cover politics in a "bothsides" frame no matter how extreme the GOP got, which helped enable the further radicalization of the GOP. The Dems kept being the grown ups in the room because they thought it was the responsible thing to do and that being seen as doing the responsible thing would win them positive news coverage, but it never did. Instead, mainstream political media grew to expect them to cave to increasingly insane GOP behavior and actually criticized any deviation from that by Democrats. Meanwhile the GOP treated the Democratic party just like McCarthy has this whole year. So the Democrats have literally gotten nothing out of that loser behavior, it has actually often led to increasingly negative media coverage of them, and it actually enabled further GOP radicalization by preventing the GOP radicalization from becoming the real, unavoidable story. They've finally broken from that loser bullshit. Now, as this circus drags on, it will become impossible for mainstream media to cover this as a typical "Washington dysfunction" story. The GOP's dysfunction and radicalization will be front and center, and the GOP civil war will provide a lot of juicy quotes attacking Republicans from other Republicans. And there is a fairly strong possibility that the Republicans can't agree on a replacement and that the more "moderate" members have to come crawling to the Democrats for their votes. Which would mean some sort of power-sharing agreement. And even if that doesn't happen and the GOP can agree on someone, they won't functionally be any worse for Democrats than McCarthy was because that's not actually possible. McCarthy was a completely untrustworthy piece of shit who never kept his word and was functionally controlled by the most extreme members of his caucus.
  8. I'll be curious to see if their big money donors start pressuring some "moderate" Republicans to cut a deal with Democrats. Obviously there's plenty of real lunatic billionaire money that supports GOP efforts to destroy the federal government that is going to be fine with this, but corporate America and businesses that aren't led by certifiable lunatics don't want to see another shutdown and sure as shit can't be too comfortable supporting the GOP going forward, now that it's clear the "adults" in the party have lost control.
  9. Ana thinks it's good that Russia fucks with our elections, is the thing you've got to understand. He doesn't want our government to be by, of, and for the people. He thinks we need a strongman.
  10. Impressive list of accomplishments in less than one year.
  11. I just had a very funny thought. What if the pro tem is Gaetz? What if that's something he got out of McCarthy back in January for his support, keeping in mind that Gaetz didn't even end up voting for him? Would McCarthy have been that stupid/desperate? eta: damnit, well there goes the funniest possible scenario.
  12. "They endorsed replacing the Dollar with Dogecoin and said that will neuter the Jews! Very thoughtful!"
  13. Some people will never buck their instinctual "literally everything is bad for Democrats" thinking.
  14. The real reason for recusal here is that Eastman was Thomas' clerk (and his vote would've been meaningless).
  15. This shit is so funny. It's just baseball, man. It's not like the Astros organization fostered a culture of sexual abuse of minors in its farm system or something.
  16. What's wild is he was so popular among liberals at one point that he probably could have run for office as a Dem and won in many places. Going MAGA was just easier and more in line with his natural inclinations.
  17. It's hard to ignore the comfortable alignment a preference for that political hierarchy has with their preference for a specific family hierarchy. It's also hard to ignore the overwhelming weakness and insecurity a preference for those hierarchies reveals.
  18. Of course they are, they weren't losing a war before they launched this one.
  19. One thing I'll note that I think is under-discussed in this, is that even when we read their opposition to aiding Ukraine charitably as you have here, their opposition still reveals their preference for authoritarianism and their distrust of/distaste for democracy. Among the opponents to aiding Ukraine, the ones who aren't genuinely pro-Russia want Ukraine to surrender because they think there's no way Ukraine can win, even with support from the west. They think Russia's authoritarianism gives it a unique military strength that democracies can't compete with. Of course, as history and this war have shown, that's pretty much the exact opposite of reality. But they don't want to admit that they've been proven wrong already, so they simply deny reality. And some of them, as Ukraine continues to achieve battlefield success, begin to shift mentally to actually being pro-Russia. And with that comes the necessary "Ukraine are the real nazis" type shit that becomes necessary to justify their pro-genocidal views.
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