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Everything posted by Dondrysdale1

  1. I believe he is also the one that bit on play action and left Myles Jones 1 on 1 on the 85 yd td.
  2. Let it be Tech after we pay the buyout and we are in SEC to begin next season
  3. Him and Sherman, someone should put a side by side pic of their reactions to Tucker crushing their soul.
  4. Tingler is out, Boone out any other obvious changes? Girardi in philly?
  5. So a guy we have been recruiting heavily just started following our director of recruiting? Seems odd, but I’m sure they have been in communication by other means
  6. Is there meltdown worthy screenshots?
  7. Gotta like how they build in excuses for the bamas of the world if a recruit chooses another school. Of course the staff is gonna tell anyone who will listen, this
  8. My complaint is when up 4-3 in the 6th why is odorizzi still in the game? 5 in of 3 run ball is pushing it asking for more these days.
  9. Grey with white pants is awful and then the grey pants doesn’t match the jersey. Their grey jersey looks like the cowboys home pants
  10. That is the OKC dodgers broadcast. You can see the dodgers watermark in the bottom right of the screen.
  11. Was this with Gomez or straw in center?
  12. If that is the case Gerry should know as Hayes was hired onto that new network.
  13. Gotta like these announcements while Jimbo is out of the country right?
  14. Not ruled an error but it’s a fuck up as he had a force that eliminates that runner at 2nd that scored on the next single.
  15. 4-3 Virginia. ODU batting top 8
  16. It was “ear to the streets” in his notes on Bradford
  17. He left rice and was the head guy at Sam for a bit. Was the head coach at Goose Creek Memorial for a few years and now at Deer Park High School. My father played high school ball with him at Baytown Sterling way back when.
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