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Lerka Lerka

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Everything posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. Obviously very toxic venom, up there with the likes of black mambas, etc. I believe, but not an aggressive snake at all. Very docile and reclusive critters. They can't effectively transmit their venom like a rattle snake, lacking the big fangs. Probably have to let it chew between the webbing of your fingers for a while or something like that. I think the big concern, at least in my mind, is they are brightly and beautifully colored, making them attractive to small children to pick up who don't know any better.
  2. Going to be hard to put 1-0 Buckeye at the #3 spot when a 5-0 Texas is there.
  3. Man, you really do have some of the strangest takes on this board. And that's saying a lot.
  4. You lost me at I like a lot a pair.
  5. Not gonna quote it again but wow. You think someone in the process of dying is funny or amusing? That's sick.
  6. I'd want a different pic if I was Bijan. Damn near looks like he's throwing the horns down.
  7. How tall are you? O,h I'd say about 16 1/2 bricks, including mortar.
  8. Really? As a connoisseur of fine mullets, I'm gonna have to disagree, Tony.
  9. Roslyn Bond great mugshot name. I bet she cleans up well too.
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