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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Yuk

  1. That guy’s widow just continues to argue with after her husband gets double tapped.
  2. What a motherfucking tragedy. Nothing to add, just heartbroken. Not just for his family, the Foo, but for music.
  3. His hands are too small to reach the trigger.
  4. Straight up gaslighting tonight. Trump had support for Ukraine removed from Republican platform in 2016 at GOP national convention. 2016 RNC Delegate: Trump Directed Change To Party Platform On Ukraine Support : NPR Then he was fucking impeached over withholding military aid.
  5. Yuk


    Nobody fears the US. We're one step away from civil war over cancel culture and CRT. We're weak as fuck and an afterthought militarily because of it. There's legitimately zero doubt in my mind that even if attacked directly, we would not be able form a broad political coalition to defend ourselves. And a full-hearted sanctions regime is fine until it brings down the global economy and gas prices go up to $6-7/gallon.
  6. Anyone know the address of the cemetery he's buried at and a nearby location that sells gatorade by the gallon? Asking for a friend.
  7. Large enough cults are just religions. This is birth of a new one.
  8. Looks like we’ll get to do another coaching search next year.
  9. Yuk

    Casey Thompson

    He's a great kid and a very good quarterback. Very glad to have him. He was straight money today on the deep throws.
  10. Insurance agency commercial on aggy call in show. lol
  11. just tell them your name rusty. be about the third.
  12. That's a final MSU 26, ATM 22, Grackle 7. Poor aggies.............
  13. They need to rename the stadium after Mike Leach.
  14. It's going to be glorious dragging our balls over their faces the remaining 8 years of Jimbo's contract.
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