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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. So all that extra huffing and puffing increased their co2 output/carbon footprint. Way to go! Now you can be carbon neutral if you kill yourselves tonight...
  2. Dearest Tom, We need to part ways. You are fantastic, but we are just too stupid to see it. I know its so shallow to want to win games and such but not all of us have $6.7million/ year to distract us from these superficial pursuits. Likely shitty defense, offense, and special teams pays off in a 4D space multiverse somehow, but we are confined to our little 3D universe that can implode at any time with a single extra CO2 emission from Peoria, Ill. So , we bid you adieu with a heavy heart and a prolapsed rectum understanding how poorly we appreciate true genius- even as it is piled up in a dark brown steaming heap right before our very eyes. Sorry, Bevo
  3. For those that want "clean" and good (natty good) who after DKR fit that profile? For those that say FUPM, he had VY, and VY won the natty. FUPM mailed it in since 2010 , fleecing Texas , spending more time at Steiner Ranch Golf Course than he did at his "job". That is also a type of unethical behavior IMO.
  4. No, no they can’t. Sorry. Not unless you get a VY you cannot, not this era.
  5. Seriously doubt there is not enough dirt to torpedo his contract but that would also discourage other serious contenders from signing on.
  6. We need someone who really is a HC. The Pope is a real HC. Like Saban. Not sure he would want to get into the fray again, but one thing these guys have is ego, and winning a natty at three different programs says something.
  7. Maybe CDC needs to be on the hot seat for extending this clown...
  8. We need Densa to define “ unraveling “ and “ defeat” and “ entropy “ but mainly “loser”.
  9. Does Densa “strain” while blowing bubbles or cashing paychecks?
  10. "I'm here to chew bubble gum and.... well, that's it really." ....and cash paychecks....
  11. He is just an Ohio douchebag that is a really shitty HC.
  12. He is spending time defining “strain” at a PC, jeez this guy is a douche.
  13. Does that mean his analysis of ISU game is wrong somehow? Is that you , Tom?
  14. Scientology has their special uniform as well.
  15. Clearwater FL is their Mecca, just ask Travolta and his little bi-boi Cruise.
  16. If you happen to see a douche bag in a ditch with a turd on it, ....it's Mark May , face up.
  17. They don’t have to be early round picks, they just have to not suck. Even average would be a step up. But we are below average in many areas.
  18. Will is no different than most P5 Coaches, mercenaries for money, regardless of success/ productivity. But that is true for nearly all workers.only the scale is different.
  19. This is just more proof of the diving/gymnastics/ice skating mentality that football is evolving into. Duv didn't have enough of a hype machine behind him I guess. But most indicting is the complete absence of the impact of facts and stats, which should be a relatively neutral, minimally biased set of determinants. Not in this space however. It's just getting sicker and sicker by the year. Parallels what is happening in the Nobel Prize awards. (No CR). Next I would imagine that game scores will not matter, its whoever looked better playing......
  20. Wife#2 prolly has a few good tricks up her taco
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