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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. Coopers Droppers- those are nursing home tatas.
  2. The only thing worse is our last 10 in seasons.
  3. It depends on who the coach is and how he adapts. If you are stupid , or arrogant, or a douche bag, or some combination of these, you will continue to suck and drag “your” program to the bottom of the Marianas Trench, while cashing big checks. No incentive to change except ego/ will to win. The insanity rests with the ridiculous contracts and extensions accepted and backed by BMDs. Until there is a performance link, nothing will change.
  4. Dodged a bullet not getting Nick, he just lost to Barn. Whew.
  5. Agree to a point but the real decisions are not his since he is not paying the bills. The BMDs decide, he facilitates like a mediator. Sure he can take the cred for getting more sanitary napkins in DKR to enhance the "game day experience", but for FB I doubt he does anything but say"yes sir, thank you sir" when the BMDs have a question or want to make a donation or a change. Even extending Densa after Ga win was likely BMD driven. ADs are like university presidents, they do the bidding of those who hold the gold.
  6. Having been a child in Holland, though not Dutch, I can tell you that the Sinterklaas' assistants are not a racist jab or mocked for skin color. Today's revisionists however coupled w/PC recreationally triggered elements of society want to see racism in everything.
  7. That line was adapted I believe from a white South African comedian before Mandela was released, and it went like this: "There are two things I hate about South Africa, apartheid and the blacks"
  8. “aggys never quit....until halftime “
  9. I imagine LSU will be offering a similar lithograph memorializing this year’s game. It will have a slightly longer title: ” Tigers never quit.... stomping the shit out of aggy, 50-7”
  10. If what was posted about Ash and his personality/ mannerisms as HC walking into a new situation as mentioned above are true, then he is a Densa clone, which is just what we want for this team with a pre-toxic locker room. I don't buy the "let him hang himself" routine, not with good recruits in the pipeline and a covey of new Rig 12 Coaches that are seemingly competent, except for maybe Lesticles, who is very lucky. We still have a lot to overcome against ISU, Baylor, OSU, KSU, TCU, and the usual ou. Tech has better coaching than their record as well. It could be a brutal season next year.
  11. Maybe the players will now get some coaching they can rely upon.
  12. Getting beat by Baylor, TCU, ISU, and perpetual ou , should be terrifying enough to move on major change.
  13. Wouldn't care if he is a prick or not as long as he was a leader and a coach that got his players to WIN. As for the "technocrat" where was the "tech" ?...there was zero innovation, progressively less actually each season. There was very little attention to detail so I don't get this label. Could be he is just an arrogant prick, who happened into some teams that had good players and some good assistants.
  14. A close second is Gary Fucking Danielson having to burp up all that Bama Cock he was guzzling ...
  15. Changing OC and DC are blanket changes...
  16. Will it matter even if all multiverse OC/DC come in and Densa starts “advising” them? PTSD about FUPM and Harsin-Applewhite.
  17. Add to that the tceh win was Densa’s saving moment......ORLY? Harder to choke down than an aggy NC.
  18. That’s the 99% sec demographic.
  19. The wife was binging Downton Abby episodes while designing Agro Manor.
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