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El Squared

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Everything posted by El Squared

  1. Leave him at Disney in the Its a Small World ride, chained to the side so he has to hear it over and over.....
  2. I think Harbaugh adjusts at halftime....his khakis will be cinched tighter and higher.
  3. SIAP: but you need not go through sternum to penetrate the heart. Between the correct ribs is good enough.
  4. CS v 2.0, how soon the BMDs and Bellmont "forgets".
  5. This. What difference does it make if you recruit all universe players with shit for brains, lazy and or/incompetent coaches? We have seen those results from FUPM->Cholly->Densa, do not need a larger sample size. Coaching and some form of discipline matters.
  6. Not sure about what he really wants, but pulling Densa down a notch or 2 or national TV repeatedly likely warms his cockles, maybe even the subcockle area. He likely has a decent gig, only massive ego, like wanting to win a natty at three different programs as HC would be something for the books and a counter to all of Saban’s rings, at least on some level.
  7. But that is why no one with significant positions will likely be let go, certainly not DOHrlandDOH and likely not Beck ( unless he is reassigned) . There may be some position coach changes, but token ones only. TH has cover for 2020, maybe 2021 unless someone has felony level video on him .
  8. No it wasn’t a dance , it was simultaneous penetration in public.
  9. Bad seasons are relative. Bad play, in all phases of the game is special, and we happened to score twice in a row with that shit.
  10. Well he wouldn’t like what Pig is doing to Fat Focking Bastard Bulemia and his payout.....so... doubt Pirate to Pig would have legs
  11. It’s unreal that people still support this asshole, but they keep hoping it’s 25 years ago. JJ trolling Cowboy fans for decades and some of these masochists won’t give up, despite golden showers and brown hail from JJ they keep it slurping it up then get mad that it happened again, like last season. Insanity by definition.
  12. Densa Mensa Mentard Millionare Loser
  13. “ I know you killed Bevo Fredo.....so will I”
  14. You may mean Re-teach, reinforce tackling fundamentals. They don’t really change. They just atrophy without reinforcement. sloppy, lazy and no attention to detail.lack of accountability.
  15. I didn’t see any corpses falling off the burning logs, this must be fake OR they are waiting for Harvard-Yale students to come down and run into the fire . Aggy gods don’t take kindly to sacrificing thousands of trees without some humans on the pile for dessert.
  16. Preach on. I agree . Out of rep . I am sure all of the protestors went back to their carbon neutral tiny homes after the event, and used their responsibly sourced and built communication device, ( not an iPhone or Android) , maybe a homing pigeon or pedicab , to communicate with each other and congratulate themselves on their success. It would be hypocritical of course if the used a product that was made with child slave labor in a country that is the worst and most toxic polluter on the planet and that gives the rest of the world the finger when they suggest a change. It’s impossible for the protesters to be that obtuse of course. No way that could happen.
  17. Who is responsible for the Cowboys performance? If the answer is JG, then why is he still coach, and how did he coach this long ? His hiring and tenure is JJ, no one else. He has allowed it to happen. All of the media attention on Garrett is bullshit, since JJ hired him as whipping boy, nothing else. Its all theater , no substance, WWF/ WWE style, but on a gridiron. People who look for W/ L as if that’s the goal are fooling themselves, except for a small handful of owners that actually want to win. Garrett is just an inept idiot, JJ is the real culprit. Caring about this team is optional, there are a lot of masochists out there however.
  18. Maybe , but my first thought Was he would say cuppy cup from 2 girls and a cup...
  19. My point is J doesn’t really give a shit about winning. Look how long JG is the “coach”. He never was a real coach that could win significantly at this level, and yet he he is year after year, retained by the asshole that is JJ. its JJs team he can do whatever he wants, JJ isn’t stupid, but he doesn’t want a great coach or try to get a great coach. He has gotten rid of more that a couple great ones. Why? Cowboy Fans should have a bit more self esteem , and move onto a team that at least pretends to care about being a contender, instead of the ridiculous clown shitshow that is happening for 25+ years under JJ since this last Super Bowl.
  20. My point is Jones doesn’t really care about winning except winning dollars. Which is fine. It’s his team. He isn’t stupid. JG never was a real coach that would be a contender, and yet JJ retained him. What does that tell you? Do you think he couldn’t get a better coach? He knows who the great coaches are, and has run off some of the best, not just once or twice. So bottom line, why do Cowboy fans care about this the teams actual performance when the owner ( the major influencer) doesn’t? Its pathetic and ridiculous. Find a team that ownership at least superficially, cares about winning for real.
  21. What does Garrett have to do with any of this shit. He is a known weak middle of the road ( or worse) NFL coach. But how many decades does it take Cowboy fans to just give up on the asshole , JJ who has been trolling them ever since Parcells left, or really since Jimmy Johnson left. JJ gives zero fucks about W/L but somehow most Cowboy fans are either delusional or JJ Cucks, and think there is a chance to win. Why they support this Arkansas shyster is weird. It’s only about Cowboy Inc revenue , and yet, year after year, despite all the obvious signals, Cowboy fans fool themselves believing there is a chance to return to relevance. Where is the proof of that? There is none. JJ will only maybe change if his revenue stream takes a hit, everything else is just bullshit. Please wake up.
  22. My imagination is not forced or strained as everyone we play seems to be better than us.
  23. Right after saying that Densa muttered , “ jk, jk” and went and cashed his check.
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