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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. @4thgenhorn did you check these on the 12th? they were .05 for a bit. now floor is .1 something like 1500 new users bought raider nfts in the last week, doubling the # of unique wallets. if you owned raiders prior to recruiting event you could mint your own new nfts for ~$100. instant 3x. if you rolled a rare on your minted nft, i sold one for .58. almost 20x
  2. i think today is day 7 for the actual platform for LR. it's insanely overvalued. i am going by the always reliable bastion of truth that is twitter, but i saw that it was valued like they had already taken a huge chunk of OS market share and something like $3.5B MV. Then again, OS is setting records for volume almost every day this month so the pie is growing like crazy. China seems poised to 'allow' NFTs and there were some internet search metrics showing that NFTs as a search entry was skyrocketing. I'm just gonna keep it staking. Already pulled out like .12 eth earned yesterday and have gotten ~20 LOOKS per day added to my original amount. I have made one sale on LOOKS and it freaked my out, because when viewing on OS it looks like i just transferred the nft to someone else for free. I was like WTF? .5eth down the drain. but then looked on etherscan and it shows the LR transaction paying me. It pays in WETH, so that also threw me off.
  3. wife tested + on an at-home test the day after coming back from a biz trip. I felt off right after that but was negative on 2 different home tests. kids were seemingly unaffected. errbody vaxed. wife and i were about a week post booster.
  4. it will take some time, but need to start using looks rare more. everyone bitches about OS, but is it enough to convert. It's also a kick in the nuts to have to spend gas to approve listing for each project again on LR when you have already done it on OS. My ledger wallet got to claim 200 more LOOKS, so that will make up for the gas spent i guess. There was a meebit sold for some absurd amount, 1000s of eth for wash trading, but my little stake keeps adding 20 LOOKS per day and about .01 eth per day. a month seems like an eternity in NTF space, but that should be a good indicator if there is organic growth or just people hanging out to pump LOOKS
  5. they did foresee the price washing and addressed it prior to it happening. I saw a bullet point in their FAQ i think about it. it is a risk the person(s) doing it are taking. I think there is a special period at launch where the rewards are higher and/or the pool is a guaranteed amount or something. but still if more people tried to wash trade, they would get rekt as more people would then split a set amount of rewards and might not make back their fees. here is a good twitter thread about it It does beg the question that i might want to sell some higher priced stuff between accounts to boost my OS traded amount in case Coinbase does the same thing. Without knowing the structure it is pure gambling as you would lose the OS fee and the creator royalty but if you increased the amount of tokens you got it could be worth it...but probably not. just a thought though.
  6. yeah, i staked mine. it made 25 Looks the first day, but people are abusing the hell out of the rewards feature. washing sales back and forth on high priced stuff like apes and punks that offer a bonus; they are getting back more than the fees incurred. i have sold most of these free air drop things in the first day or two, but keeping this staked and see what happens.
  7. for those that used open sea in the last year, a competitor is dropping $LOOKS and it's rising pretty well so far. approaching $4 https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x6231e794773e4dc0b1ad79105d850a05d5fc0fcb you need to have traded a min of 3eth to qualify. i claimed 1200 and have not been hacked yet, but nfa, dyor and all that . here are the details https://docs.looksrare.org/blog/launch-post#-looks-token-airdrop-
  8. i thought we fought a war so we would not have Brit saints shoved down our throat.
  9. maybe a few more Red Bull world high dive championship platforms drilling into the rock will do it.
  10. there has to be a Zendejas brother floating around that can do better, right?
  11. ok, taking the leap and aping into Defi Kingdoms. mainly just to play the LPs and stake some Jewel for this month. staking jewel this month gets you raffle tickets for Gen0 chars when they make a new kingdom on the AVAX chain. Gen0 chars are listed for $40K USD in the current game although i have not looked at recent sales or anything. not sure if i am going to buy a char or not to actually mess around in the game. Another one i just looked at today was RaidParty, you can join the discord here: https://raid.party/verify?invite=AlrnCC5jXsQ (i get some kind of referral deal). Here is an interesting article about how some p2e games have failed and what they might do differently. https://medium.com/raidparty/how-on-chain-nft-games-kill-themselves-and-how-were-trying-to-avoid-it-e9df8a18e679
  12. yes, they have made it so you can play on a mobile browser w/o having to log in via metamask. I think you have to link your account to your mm wallet to begin with though. look for cheaper CR nfts coming Jan 12th. they are doing a recruiting event where existing holders can pay in-game currency to produce a new Raider. These will be Gen4 Raiders and i expect they will move the floor down at least 50%.
  13. isn't there already a guy name nipsy hustle?
  14. just banging around twitter and discord hopping talking to people. there are sooo many p2e projects starting up it is hard to keep up. i am huge Crypto Raider maxie (still sooo early here so don't be shy), but i want to get into Defi Kingdoms and plan to start going through some youtube vids today to learn about it. some are really long term plays that can lie dormant for months then take off. a big MMORPG i put some eth into is Influenece https://www.influenceth.io/ a big space game where players own the asteroids (land) and you have to extract resources to build ships/colonies. But this has been in development for quite some time with the eth just parked there doing nothing. i saw some ZED Run heavy hitters in this discord for https://the-red-village.gitbook.io/the-red-village/ it looks similar in that there are Genesis champions (that battle i guess) and subsequent champions will be derived from the genesis. dyor and all that, i literally found it this morning, but got a healthy floor on OS.
  15. if you are going to be doing anything other than buying and holding, i would also use Coinbase Pro. no additional fees or anything and transfers between CB and CB Pro are free. if you want access to more coins then get a kucoin account. that's what i use, but maybe someone else could chime in RE: crypto.com
  16. wow, had no idea they expanded so much. that fantastic! Yep, just like the great Kenny Rogers said; you gotta know when to hodl 'em RIP selling my Mutant Ape for 8eth 3 months ago. I think they are at 15eth now, but that sale enabled a lot of other stuff. I just tell myself that time value of money in the nft space is exponential. - between BAYC and MAYC those creators make like $3mil a day in royalties from apes selling back and forth.
  17. Thanks! so are you going to buy into this? i have zero experience with the sports nfts/dapper, but has that been profitable lately?
  18. @The Royal We nice! yep, it's nice to see some projects hold a floor and I have already made about 2.5 eth in sales so far this year (mostly Crypto Raiders) man, i remember BYOP. think i bought like 10 of them at mint and then grinded like hell the hour after sellout to move them all for a whopping .1 of profit LOL. Glad you kept a few. if the switch ever flips for mass adoption for VR those might pay off bigly in the long run.
  19. I got this email. Is this what you are talking about? I did not mess with it yet. it was sent Dec 15th, so i may have missed a window to do something.
  20. been sitting in cash for a while. took a few nibbles last night but we'll see what the whales want to do. would not mind another dip down. still just euphoric about a gamer defi coin that has been mooning lately (.1 in August to $10 now) https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/crypto-raiders
  21. easiest W i have ever had for this season. only 10 transactions the whole season and led in points and wins. Mark Andrews was a beast down the stretch. my champ game opponent had covid issues at QB so i dropped most of my bench and added QBs to keep them from him. He still lucked out and chose Trey Lance and put up a decent showing there, but it was not enough.
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