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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. when asked how religious she was, Jackson should have answered religious enough to call down the wrath of God like Elijah and have bears murder 42 of the R senators for disrespecting her.
  2. "so you see, i had to go undercover to help out the CIA and after the mission, the name just kinda stuck. Worst part was burning all my ties to PWC, but i would do it again to protect the mission and serve my country. Yes i have to check these stupid messageboards to see if coded message ever comes through and they need me back. It's amazing how many bottle caps the CIA has asked me to open with my teeth, so i have to stay vigilant"
  3. first work happy hour in ~ 2 years on Monday. talking with some co-workers and Trump comes up. CW - "he's just like us" me - "so you grew up in a Manhattan penthouse with a father who gave you $50M to start your business?" CW - "well, no. I guess he's not like us, but he fights for us" **walks away**
  4. but he got to post on Texags that he puts those stickers on a gas pump. advantage: aggy
  5. PSA - should probably change your discord password and remove the capcha.bot ap. strong indication that the source code was stolen and some discords were hacked through that.
  6. i was diagnosed with partial tear on meniscus in my knee. I got a cortisone shot right into the knee and that supposedly reduced the inflammation enough that it could heal. Something about reducing inflammation and swelling to allow blood flow back to the meniscus. It seemed to do the trick and was able to play basketball and snowboard again. was only ~2-3 months of taking it easy and maybe 1 month of PT regimen. my memory sucks, but it was a lot of balancing on the 1/2 squishy ball and crab walking around with resistance bands. This was ~8 years ago I think. I remember the USMNT in a world cup on TV during PT. it's all about the pain and if the flap of torn meniscus is poking around where it shouldn't be. If the tear is doing that then my ortho said it might need surgery to clean it up and trim the tear back..
  7. We did spring break and stayed in Park Cities on the Canyon side (3/12-3/19). Got in super late Friday night/Sat morning ~2am (flight kept getting delayed) but made it to the slopes on Sat by 10:30am. Really liked the place we stayed at. It was the Summit right next to the orange bubble lift at Canyons. Got new snow 2 of the days but temp was never that cold and got up in the 40s a couple of the days. Using the bus to get back and forth between Canyons and Park City was OK. You can use lifts to get between them but the bus was usually faster, with the exception of one day where the buses were taking a really long time and did not manage to get everyone for the trek back to Canyons. They added another bus for that route the next day. Was plagued by equipment failures. soon as i got there my boa (lace system) in my snowboard boots broke. was able to rent some the rest of the week, but got lucky in that they were not taking any walkups for rentals, but they did have a size 15 left. Then first run of the day i get all the way up the lift with my board strapped on my left foot. Get off and go to strap in my right foot and ankle strap is completely gone. That's a bolt/nut that had to come completely undone. Rode the lift back down and went to board shop and they were able to get me a replacement strap digging through their 'junk' bin. Then got stuck on one the lifts for a solid hour as it had a meltdown. all in all, had a blast. kids loved it was kindof a shitshow flying back Saturday on SW, though. we had a connection through Denver and our flight kept getting delayed. We get to DIA and they did not hold the flight. it took off 10 minutes after we landed. There were 10 others in the same boat from our plane. initially said "sorry, not sure why they did not hold that flight. next available flight is Monday at 3pm", lol wut? Wife hammers on them for a few minutes while i look up other airlines and there is nothing to be had the whole weekend. they finally come up with 2 spots on the last flight out to Dallas that night, but can only put the other 2 of us on standby with 2 guaranteed seats on the 6am flight on Sunday. So me and son will go standby and wife and daughter get the seats. Of course they delayed that flight to let connecting passengers make it so we miss on the standby list. Get vouchers for one of the shittiest hotels ever, but made it out the next day.
  8. yeah, i have to get 103.3 off the presets at some point
  9. $LOOKS is back up and touched $2.25 today. Just going to let my re-buy ride for the foreseeable future. I think the founders had some/most of their issued amount locked, so maybe sell before that. All the little gaming coins/sidechains have been trending up the past week. JEWEL has doubled; RAIDER is up 60%. Same for SAND and MAGIC
  10. also, taking a little profit and converting some NFT eth gains to fiat here. nice little run up this weekend.
  11. if someone really wants to find out who got what via crypto it can be done. Here is a thread about two 20-year olds getting busted for fraud for rugging an NFT mint They sold ~$1.1M of NFTs and then just ghosted after spending a few weeks shilling and building a following on twitter and discord. I actually bought 2 of these at .03ETH each and the volume of sales was really good. They could have actually milked the royalties on 2ndardy sales for a week to get even more money (and given me a chance to exit after profit) but they just pulled the rug a few hours after sellout. I knew several people that bought 40 to 60 of these things. It's just a cost of doing business when flipping NFTs that you will run into these every so often. Anyway, the feds followed the trail and figured out who they were. When i cash out crypto it goes from my hot wallet to my Coinbase account and then i sell the ETH for USD. Then xfer the USD to my bank account. Barney Fife could figure out who i am if they wanted to. Not saying this is a good thing, but if you want to be anon, it's straight cash homey.
  12. side sleeper. normally with hands tucked under the pillow. shoulders hurt like hell and pretty sure the way i sleep contributes to the pain. starting on my back takes forever to fall asleep and i end up on my side anyway. i wish i could detach my arms at the shoulder and then go to sleep. #teamcyborg
  13. i really don't see how they got away with doubling KD the entire 1st half and most of the 2nd. that's something that works in 5th grade YMCA ball against the best player but not the pros. Brunson and SD were awesome to start the 4th to shrink the lead.
  14. tried and true method of grifting. just ask all preachers that needed a G5 to spread the gospel.
  15. had that happen to me. muscles were not keeping the joint tight enough and causing impingement/inflammation. ortho Rx'd PT and the nice PT person set a good regimen of low impact weight and isometric/resistance band stuff that did the trick for me. Tried it again later for what turned out to be a bone spur and it did not help at all. had to get surgery to get the spur ground down. waaay less downtime/pain than shoulder surgery to fix ligament/rotator damage.
  16. i had made some lamb kabobs for dinner and i did not think my daughter had ever had them before. I told her they were made from lamb and she said 'i love cubes of animals!'
  17. i have seen the same thing (on twitter) with people in some ME countries
  18. i am taking profit on some defi stuff today that rose 25% this morning. still mostly cash on straight crypto, not counting nft fun money (ETH). Maybe it it breaks resistance, but i am betting on pull back.
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