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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. yep, all based on what their suppliers are giving them as far as delivery dates. when there is a decommit the whole thing shifts.
  2. you could also convert it to run on LP. solves the fuel storage issue as well. i did that for a genny that i only keep for emergencies.
  3. just got back from Angel Fire. Had never been there before. We loved the place we stayed; just a cabin maybe a mile off the main road from the mountain (5 min drive). It was a ghost town on Thursday and then errrbody showed up for the weekend. Locals said it was the most crowded they had ever seen for this weekend. Thursday was nice because we basically had the mountain to ourselves and some fresh snow, but lots of runs were closed. By Saturday, just about everything was open but just jammed packed. We stayed on the backside almost exclusively because that lift was so much faster than the main one, even splitting up and all going through the singles line. view from the back porch Overall, a good trip. We drove up there so we could take the doggo. She thinks she is a Husky at heart and loves the snow/cold. We normally only go spring break each year to CO mountains, so this was a little different crowd. Was strange to see so many people not wearing helmets there. I would say 90% wear them at the CO resorts (at least at SB time) but it was probably 50% of adults had them at AF. Anyway, was excited to get out there on the slopes.
  4. yeah, a ledger is just basically another wallet address where all transactions need approval from the device. nothing is 'stored' on the device, it's still all on the blockchain. Just buy directly from the mfg (not amazon or 3rd party), keep your seed phrase just on paper (don't take a picture of it, don't keep it on your computer (even encrypted), and never ever give out your seed phrase or allow remote access to your comp. If you lose the device, you can purchase another one and restore your seed phrase to it and will be back in business. The initial wallet address will still have all your stuff in there. Each coin type will have its own address (BTC, ETH, SOL etc...). you can even keep eth blockchain NFTs on the ledger ETH address. I keep a lot of my high value NFTs on there and it will prompt you use the ledger device to do any sales/transfers/listings etc... If the battery dies you would need to charge it before using. no transactions are possible without physically pressing the buttons to confirm. Most of my tx are via metamask, which will integrate the ledger and wait for you to approve each tx during the signing process. Transferring is as simple as just entering your ledger address as the 'transfer to' address in the Coinbase/cex prompt.
  5. i am in the 'take the $ and run' camp for the most part. it's easy to use the old adage 'you can't go broke taking profit'. Other times you sell a Mutant Ape for 8eth and 3 months later it's at 20eth.
  6. i guess file this under pursuit of happiness, but yeah, fuck paying $100K for a different dog that just looks the same.
  7. i coach a low key 8th grade rec league team. I got a new player this season who is pretty good, but his dad yells 'encouragement' the whole game. Kid is just stone faced out there. no smile after a good play or grimace after a turnover. I seriously just want him to smile 1 time. This is just a league to get more reps for the kids and idgaf if we win or lose but only that they execute what i ask them to do and work to get better. So after the latest game where we lost, i get an email from the kid talking about how 'he' feels he could have done better blah, blah blah. I could just picture his dad holding him at gun point writing that email. This was the first time i really had to hear his dad in the stands as it was the first loss of the season, but we'll see how asking him to tone it down goes. I just imagine bad how his baseball team and school basketball games are.
  8. yeah, i told myself i would try and hold till it dipped past $4, but wanted to make sure and get a big return. all in all about $8K for free after gas fees. I did buy back in for 1000 this morning, so you can blame me if it dumps.
  9. i peaced out maybe 6 days ago around ~$3.65 but tempted to buy back in close to $2 now.
  10. anyone still holding their $LOOKS? debating whether to buy back in. once the rewards are cut and the wash trading dies down it should stabilize and then maybe LR can finally get some organic growth and we can see what normal sales on the platform look like.
  11. i have not entered back in to any main coins yet. small position in Luna. as to taxes, most of the cexs will basically tell you your tax liability right? it's the defi and nft shit that gives me a headache just thinking about it. we file quarterly and pretty much always get an extension. I am hoping/betting on some better software coming out to calculate the defi and nft tax liability. all the data is there and you can download everything fom etherscan and polyscan (and the solana scan etc... with all the niche chains) but what a beating.
  12. FBI is going to be decked out arriving to crime scenes in lambos now
  13. from what i have seen, it's easier to appeal to someone's greed. Some will click on any link to gain a perceived advantage like early access to a new coin or nft. dozens of people have lost high value nfts ($200K+) because they wanted to skirt the marketplace/royalty fees (~5%) and were duped into using fake trading sites by a fake prospective buyer. Thieves will often hack a projects discord, take it over and then put malicious links out there. But i have pondered that it is totally possible for someone get mugged and thieves force them to use their phone to steal their crypto. it really would not take that long especially if they already had a cex ap (Coinbase etc...) or a mobile wallet like metamask already installed. Probably just a few fingerprint scans from getting access and then thieves pop their address in and hit send. you really only need the seed phrase if you are installing your wallet on a new device for the first time.
  14. people claim getting 'hacked' everyday on twitter and it's almost 100% social engineering. the laziness of people not willing to keep their seed phrase off their computer is astounding. although if you get busted by the FBI i'm guessing they can find your seed phrases written down on paper in your house as well. Ever worse, the file containing the keys was found in cloud storage.
  15. just giving my opinion based my limited exposure to this stuff and i did not even stay at a digital holiday inn express last night. There are no rules; only what catches a buyer's eye. I have seen one artist that was a sculptor and sold nfts based on his pieces (the nfts were generative) and also included physical pieces for a very limited number of nft holders.
  16. same treatment, same cost with 1 exception. their saline solution has the 5G chip in there. the bag has "5G version, made by Microsoft" in big bold letters. might be down with a Uber-like surge pricing for intake for unvaxxed coming into the ER with issues from Covid and the place is already packed.
  17. i don't think land is a requirement. this seems specific to decentral games https://decentral.games/ https://opensea.io/collection/decentral-games-ice?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW - $6K for a pair of digital sunglasses
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