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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. Luka Dončić *checks notes* IS walking through that door I want to see Boban do this to Royce if he cheapshots Luka or JB again
  2. monkey's paw outcomes Flights - Spirit middle seats only Food - Arby's beef and cheddar Concert - VIP for all Carly Rae Jepsen shows Gas - free, but must take a shit in this bathroom each time Hotel Room - always has bedbugs Clothes and shoes
  3. context is key and you might have to weigh some different factors here - is getting face time with the boss' boss going to help you out if you want to climb the corp ladder? networking helps out a ton when advancing. - the boss was giving a week's notice to everyone which seems fair to try and plan around it and make best effort to join. the boss saying anything other than "well, ok. please take a closer look to see if you can make it. it's important for xyz reasons to be there" seems out of bounds. Going on a rant about it...gtfo with that shit. if it was for a client, i can see being volantold to show up. I also don't get the side chiming in like the boss asked you perform ritual sacrifice on your children for the betterment of corporate profits. not sure i have ever seen a corp contract that would even think to include "must attend corp happy hours". normally, that's sorta viewed as perk. i like free booze. but once the boss cast the die by going off on a rant in front of everyone, unless i really needed to get face time with the boss' boss, it would be a hard pass.
  4. so is there still a vax mandate for federal contractors? i work for a large multinational corp that does business with federal agencies and i remember the reason they gave for requiring employees to get vaxxed was the federal mandate. We have worked from home for last 2 years so it has not even mattered. but now we are supposed to go in a min of 2 days a week. This one person i work with i guess refused to get vaxxed and is now on double secret probation and is not allowed to work, even from home. I guess they are trying to figure out how to let them go and not get sued later or something. I know my company can require or not require people to get vaxxed at their discretion but was curious if the federal mandate is still in effect or has any time limit/expiration date.
  5. for 1st round i think local stations still get the rights. trying to remember from last year. i think next round should all be nat broadcasts
  6. Bally Sports owns the rights. i think only Uverse and DTV carry Bally Sports so the majority of Dallas was SOL. The game was also on NBA TV, but blacked out so the local station could televise.
  7. from (just) the tip JB was fuck this, i am going to hit everything tonight. amazing confidence to step up like that
  8. use a guy that flys out of HK and hits up big cities in the US once per quarter or so and sets up shop in a hotel suite. takes measurements, has samples of suits/shirts/pants and tons of fabric swatches. can do lots of customized stuff. stuff comes later in the mail. you can order new stuff if your measurements are the same any time. i am tall and on the slim side so even big and tall off the rack stuff fits like ass.
  9. i got nothing other than an old roommate bought an M3 when we got out of college and then would proceed to get heart-attack level rage when he spotted fake badged M3s in the wild. so like the internet, badging (we don't need no stinkin' badging) is serious bidness.
  10. Don't ask me. i just sold a pixelated owl for $57,000 that i bought yesterday for $7k. Not sure i made the right call to sell either. Little guy is cute.
  11. i am not arguing for either side and tried to point out that yes, for growth, new users are a must. it's just a fascinating story to me that $1.3B could spring up in 6 months and i posted that since revenue came solely from sales, they obviously needed new blood coming in. it will be interesting to see if something like this can stabilize. For the massive user profits, it 100% needs new players coming in. just like any other MMO game out there. but unlike Activision/Blizzard reaping 100% of the profits, players could partake in some of the profits. It is not a 'recruiting' thing and you have the mechanics wrong. players did not seek out people to sell your nfts to and there was no residual income coming in from selling to others. There was so much demand that if you wanted to sell the nfts, you just listed on the marketplace and people coming in could buy them. after that sale, there are no financial ties between the 2 parties. The lure of quick 'easy' money was brining in new players by the 1000s each day. Everyone wanted to be a super user and set up several teams so the demand stayed strong. The recruiting was from super users (people who put up $20K-$100K to buy 100s of nfts to create dozens of teams) recruiting mostly 3rd world citizens to play the game for them like a job and split the earnings. Each team made maybe $20-$50 a day depending on the strength of the team and how well and how long the user played. so outsourcing the labor for dozens of teams could pay off over time. Just like people playing hearthstone/pokeman, there were also 'professional' gamers that could make a lot more just from playing, but for the people who ran it like a business and outsourced the game playing, they just wanted a team that was 'good enough'. unlike traditional games, which prohibit selling accounts/items/etc.. you could sell your nfts because you owned them without violating the Ts&Cs. RE: gas fees, aside from initially moving an L1 currency into the side chain, the gas fees were negligible (pennies) for all the gaming transactions. if a game resided on the Eth mainnet, you are right and it would not be viable. But almost all blockchain games use a side chain for in-game transactions for this very reason. Axie is a real game that some play for fun, some play to earn a few shekels and a lot more are in it to try and extract a profit because they saw other do it before them.
  12. axie generated something like $1.3B revenue in 2021 with most of that in the last 6 months of the year. peaked at over $350M a month. I think all of their revenue generation came from taking 4.25% of each sale and fees for 'breeding' (creating a new nft char from an existing one) the nft chars that battled in the game (think pokeman). i thought about trying to form scholar teams in the June time frame last year, but did not want to lay out the $800-$1500 per team and then find and manage scholar teams (scholars were people that played the game using other people's teams for a cut of the profits). knew of several people who we managing 20-40 teams and making decent money, but it took 2-3 months to break even. like anything else in crypto, if you got in early and had 20+ (good) teams, it was netting like $500+ per team per month. Most were putting the money back in and buying more teams. it is very popular on this thread to say everything is a ponzi, but these games absolutely rely on growing the user base to keep the party going. any MMO game needs paying users to the keep the servers on line and the game running. Blizzard charges ~$180 per year for WoW and they raked in $8B in 2021 for comparison. The popularity and increase in user base was obviously driven by how much one could profit from the game. I did not think the game was that fun on its own, but maybe some did. so axie had literal exponential growth for users and revenue obviously if new axies are getting created someone has to buy them or the price tanks. If you want a massive dive into the beginnings of the rise of axie, this article from July is super in-depth https://www.notboring.co/p/infinity-revenue-infinity-possibilities?s=r. You can see why so many people wanted in on the action around this time and why that growth was going to lead to problems down the road.
  13. just need to put Greg Davis in charge of moderation. nothing offensive would be posted.
  14. what is the skinny on these Frederique Constant watches? was just banging around the interwebz looking at moonphase watches and this one came up. this is listed at $4K at Joma.
  15. 1/1 NFTs of 'real life moments' seem like a bad play to buy given what i have learned wading around the nft space the last year, but all it takes is one richer fool to want it. But it is such a niche item that there is not going to be mass fomo or the lure of a 'track record' of other similar items going up in value and showing volume sales to draw potential buyers. i guess that's why they went the auction route to try and sell. Below is the time line for this art collection (Fidenzas). Sold for ~0.2eth from the artist almost a year ago, then peaked around 600eth (chart is avg sale price). There were sales above 1000 eth on these. Now the floor is 50eth or so. you can see a typical transaction pattern below the graph where the first person that bought is the only one to make money and the rest were catching falling knives. Well in this case the first person that minted for 0.2 sold it immediately for 1eth. Then that person held it for 5 months and sold it of 95 eth. No real point in posting this, but you never know what is going to take off.
  16. who do they think they are? Zola Budd?
  17. nice! always worth it to learn to solder. this will date me, but I remember my roommate and I took his PS2 (or maybe PS1) up to the EE lab at UT to solder on that chip that let you play pirated games. worked like a charm.
  18. to short an NFT? no. same way you cannot short the value of a baseball card. some of the NFTs have tokens/coins tied to them. But they may or may not be shortable depending on if they are traded on a cex and if the cex allows margin/leverage trading for that coin.
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