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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. maybe tomorrow lol. i've been straight cash homey for while outside those failed SOL buys and quick SL hits. btc zoomed through 34K, just plowed through 31K and south of 30.5K as I type. i cannot chart to save my life, but I think that's bad. ETH longers are still getting punished, but the good news is that as more people convert to doom and gloom outlook, the whales will change direction or at least pump fake. LUNA has gotten the stuffing beat out of it. almost 50% down since wed. what's the price where Saylor's company explodes? BTC at 22K is where they have margin calls on their collateralized loans due is what i remember reading a few days back.
  2. wife wanted to go for mom's day. we and the kids had consumed wandavision and the what ifs so pretty much knew what was going on.
  3. yeah, ctwitter is melting down for the most part. lots of sell-shaming people who are exiting stuff at a big loss. beside the 610 of APE i kept to mint the otherside deeds, i exited above 20. but yeah, NFTs and crypto are both down. in the past a lower eth would drive some decent NFTs pricing, but no one wants to play right now. made some SOL buys this morning but put a SL in right after. people are still pouring money into BTC longs so I think the whales will keep crushing them until they stop. everything could keep going down.
  4. seems pretty fucked up that they cannot go after the service company. Are you liable if you take your gun to the repair shot and either by accident or malice two employees were involved with a shooting?
  5. was exhausted and tapped out after the 3rd. what a beatdown the 4th turned out to be. was browsing tix for game 4, depending on how they look in Game 3, they might be pretty cheap
  6. penalty is the last 3 months of interest, iirc. you can open them for each member of the family up to 10K. fin planner suggested we look at them as a short term investment for the kids as their 529 plans are basically funded to a level that should cover their education and it may not make sense to keep adding to it (they are both in middle school). The main downside is 10K limit from what i have seen. not sure how I bonds compare with TIPS bonds, though.
  7. and as no surprise, APE is back down under 14 now after the mint. kinda surprised its even this high.
  8. 1 billion times this. all your stuff lives on the blockchain and nothing actually resides on the cold storage device. the cold storage device is just a locked door in front of a wallet address (or addresses for multiple blockchains ETH/BTC/etc...). Even if a thief took your cold storage device, they really could not do anything without the seed phrase. - there is a worst case scenario where say you left your ledger, a laptop where ledger was installed, the password to the laptop, the passcode to the ledger, the password to your software wallet (metamask) all in the same place. The thief would then not need the seed phrase and could just use the laptop by logging in to everything. installing the ledger to a new computer requires the seedphrase. Yeah, it is waaay more important to never put your seed phrase anywhere digitally. don't store on your computer (even encrypting the text file), don't take a picture of the seed phrase on your phone. No one will ever need your seed phrase to help you with any issue concerning your wallet. phishing/social engineering seems like it is the #1 way people get their digital assets taken. never accept 'help' from anyone offering use remote access to your computer especially after posting about a crypto or wallet issue. don't approve smart contracts from websites you don't know and read what you are approving before clicking.
  9. i, for one, am buying stock in lambo futures on this news. sooooo many new peeps in Africa about to be driving cars with doors that open 'up' instead of 'out'.
  10. nice! are you going to mint with it on Sat? i think i am using all i can to mint the lands. 2x on the coin is nice, but could be more on the nfts. or they could tank because supply is so high, but not betting against the bayc mojo at this point.
  11. pretty insane that an nft is driving this. chart for APE below
  12. basically this dude already had a limited 1000 unit NFT pass that was at 90eth floor. that one was a token that got you in an exclusive alpha discord and access to free higher value drops/mints. main founder is fully doxxed and has 1.6M followers on twitter (Kevin Rose) 2K of the moonbirds were given out free to the 1K pass holders and the other 8K were set aside to go to people who won a raffle for the right to spend 2.5e on a pixelated owl. there was soooooo much fomo on people that did not win the raffle that it took off like no other NFT in history. as to BAYC land, no one knows too much about what it will really entail. again, just rampant hype and demand revolving around the #1 brand in NFTs. could be a mmo game/environment. I plan to buy as much as i can lol. selling the ape coin as it nears $20 would be a nice little profit, but i think minting the land and selling that on the open market will be more lucrative. people buying $APE and getting liquid for the land sale is basically crashing some of the other NFT floors. I think the moonbirds was down to 25eth today.
  13. anyone else here gearing up for the BAYC Land sale on Saturday? $APE has been on a nice run in the last 2 weeks, but I will probably still use all that i have to buy the land nfts.
  14. that's a solid fucking rug right there. 1 month from pump to dump.
  15. meh, hand them sausage casings and tell them to make their own hotdogs from the pulled pork. or go into great detail that hotdogs are only made from the finest animal sphincter pieces and horse hooves.
  16. but on a plane. there was a thread where someone was lamenting that they were harassed by the FA for fucking dipping copenhagen during the flight. i do not think it turned into the intended pity party they expected.
  17. just like all the people that need to open carry an AR15 into 7-11 to get their dick hard said that Obama and Biden getting elected was the end of the 2A; nothing happened. Believe it or not America is still standing and they can still choose to combat ED by cosplaying with guns as they like. I suspect twitter will be the same. maybe Trump gets his account back. maybe dumbfucks get to spread more disinfo. political twitter is fucking awful anyway as it is. i guess i am saying We can lament either side on rich fucks having too much power and either side may have their panties in a wad over something on a given day, but we apparently love this shit in America and fight tooth and nail to not only keep the wealth disparity but grow it...for reasons. if twitter is used to start a fascist uprising that eliminates democracy then someone can take a screenshot of this stupid post and put it on twitter to shame me.
  18. Luka was just on a mission to not let that happen from the get go. that and utah was not up to the fight, but damn, he was determined to drive ball to the rim in those first minutes of the 3rd to counter any made shots from utah.
  19. i don't think Johny5 wanted to 'interface with his daughterboard' or maybe i missed a subplot.
  20. it's all nextdoor these days, brah
  21. narrator: You did not lol but cry inside. these are now ~38eth give or take. $110K if you are scoring from home. profit is profit but damn, this was the craziest run up i have ever seen. some rare ones went for $1M over the weekend.
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