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Posts posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. On 8/23/2018 at 10:54 AM, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Problem is, those are not the "equations" used in the problem.

    You have

    1 + 4 = 5 (this one is the same as the FB problem)

    4 + 8 = 12 (not the same)

    9 + 12 = 21 (not the same)


    I think you messed up by trying to apply proper math to a stupid FB meme when reality has no place in this sort of discussion.

    The correct answer as originally stated is '34'.


    Take the result of the previous line, add the two numbers on the LHS of the equation on the next line to get the answer


    5 + 2 + 5 = 12

    12 + 3 + 6 = 21

    21 + 5 + 8 = 34


    agree it's stupid to apply proper math the fb, but hold my beer.  the equation works.  I do not have 4+8=12 or 9+12=21

    line 1 from the stupid piece of paper

    - 1+4=5; n=1 so plug 1 into the equation n^2+4n and you get 5

    - 2+5=12; n=2 so plug 2 into equation n^2+4n and you get 12

    - 3+6=21; n=3 so plug 3 into equation n^2+4n and you get 21

    if you assume the answer to 5+8 is 34 by using the number from above, then yes, the equation breaks down because a number in the series was skipped.  If you assume that the question is asking to extrapolate based on the previous equations then the answer is 45 because there was not a 0+3=0 equation at the beginning.  Thus ends late night drunk belligerent maths

  2. Just now, Lurch said:

    What investigation is needed? If you can’t handle the complexity of multiple floors at your own apartment complex, you don’t deserve a badge and gun. It’s a pretty easy qualifier.

    agree.  that's the point.  an off-duty murder/manslaughter and you don't get to keep your job as a gun toting civil servant regardless of any trial

  3. 19 hours ago, Ten Bears said:

    No automatic alt text available.

    Ha.  I think that is from the nextdoor thread that blew up this weekend in my hood.  Old people were saying it was probably Beto supporters stealing their own signs for attention (or maybe scofflaw youths). 

  4. 3 minutes ago, irockalltherocks said:

    I disagree, apartment management would need to know when maintenance workers enter an apartment for liability purposes. Basically to cover their ass.

    we have a simple key card entry system at work for a few secured areas.  It is just hooked up to a PC that logs all activity.  Door open, what RFID key was used, did the door stay open longer than specified time, etc... Thinking on it more, all that data should be available or at least was available at one point in time.  the whole door ajar vs locked should be easy to clear up.

    Is there a list of all the shit she was lugging around and that was left in his apartment?  I heard on the radio that her vest and an equipment bag was left at his apt.  That would seem to suggest she had not been to her apt yet and came straight from the outside.  Unless she was thinking 2 steps ahead ...

  5. Lazlo: No. These are entries into the Frito-Lay Sweepstakes. "No purchase necessary, enter as often as you want" - so I am.
    Chris: That's great! How many times?
    Lazlo: Well, this batch makes it one million six hundred and fifty thousand. I should win thirty-two point six percent of the prizes, including the car.
    Chris: That kind of takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?
    Lazlo: They set up the rules, and lately I've come to realize that I have certain materialistic needs.

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  6. 38 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    Yeah, just about everything in the article paints a portrait of a guy who really sucks (literally and figuratively).  He also has the requisite hypocrite bona fides.  I especially enjoyed the parts about his own fraternity hosting wild parties and then him snitching on others for bringing alcohol and shaming the woman who attended.  But of course it’s fine for him to be a member and enjoy all the benefits of frat life.

    yeah, i didn't get that.  Was it just a checklist thing to be president of something in college that would look good on his cv?  would he just go to his room and repress his homosexuality when everyone else getting their animal house on?

  7. yeah, it will be interesting to see the appeal.  heard a quip from the murderer's lawyer already trying to use the (non) defense of how this will affect other cops 'just trying to do their job'.  It's complete bullshit.  This verdict is not about other cops.  It's about the one that murdered a kid.  Let other cops be judged on their actions good or bad.  What this is guy did was judged to be murder by 12 people.  If this verdict causes other officers to pause for thought before opening fire on a pickup full of unarmed teenagers driving away from them, then so be it.  I don't think pausing for that will put the officer in any more danger than they would be otherwise.

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