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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. While I would be delighted to see Aggy get mudholed, I'm gonna hold off on burying them just yet. Glass houses and all. But I'd still be delighted.
  2. From the geriatric confines of Fort Myers, FL.... TEXAS!!!
  3. CTJ, Although we have a little, if any acquaintance, please allow me to catch you up on the last five months of Surly: 1. Masks are useful, unless they’re not. 2. The Aggies have doubled down on their racism. 3. Fuck the Brockermeyers. 4. Cheese is now a Surly delicacy. 5. There have been numerous posters outed as actual, real life fuccbois with an apparent desire for glizzies. 6. Spencer Rattler is fugly. 7. In recent news, Blake Gideon apparently has a micropenis. 8. And finally, it’s 4:00 and OU still sucks. As you can see, not much has changed around here. That’ll be $9.95.
  4. Yeah I was told this same shit last week. And last year. And the decade prior.
  5. Well, well, well. Brennan Eagles and Jake Smith starting this week.
  6. I don't see Whittington practicing next week or being ready for the OU game. Safest bet is they hold him out until the Baylor game.
  7. Fair enough. If we have Saban as a coach, if we have Dabo as a coach, if we have (insert tOSU coach here), Sam may very well be good enough to win us a championship. All I'm really trying to say is that Sam is going to need to be better if we're going to win one this year.
  8. I completely agree that Orlando and Herman have been obstacles in winning championships, and considerably more than Sam's shortcomings have been. But I also don't think Sam has been consistently great enough to win a championship. The first two games of 2020 haven't shown me anything to convince me otherwise.
  9. Yeah it's easy to take this approach after what we've seen for the past decade. You know what else we haven't seen for the past decade, including during Sam's four years here? A championship. We've seen greatness in Young and McCoy. Sam falling short of that doesn't make him a bad quarterback, but then again, it's championships we're after here, are we not?
  10. Consider the drive that really, in my opinion, sent things spiraling out of control. We're up 38-28 with the ball. If we score, we're up by seventeen and the game is getting out of reach. Our D is gassed because Tech had the ball for about six minutes. First down, we commit a false start. 1st and 15. We quickly get a first down, just in time for Kerstetter to hold, and now it's 1st and 20. Next play, we run some shitty pseudo-option where Sam just stands there for a minute and then turns and pitches it to RoJo who loses about two yards. Second and 17, now comes the horrific double pass to Ehlinger, where he throws it low, totally screwing up the play. Everybody bitches about the call, but here's the deal. If he simply hits the guy in the chest and receives a good pass back, he has lots of room to run. I don't really dislike the call. Ehlinger just shit the bed again. So now it's 3rd and 20, and we loft a prayer into Josh Moore in triple coverage when there's not a man within fifteen yards of the line of scrimmage if Sam takes off. Sam screwed us numerous times on that drive after the offensive line screwed us numerous times, as well. For me, this was the turning point. It looks like someone else is calling plays because we start getting bottled up, but it's really just poor execution.
  11. I was trying to say we're missing a guy who has both, and Eagles has the ability without the mentality. Poor wording.
  12. Rewatched the game. --It's obvious that from the beginning, Tech was targeting our linebackers. Many, many plays were simply designed for the slot receiver(s) to run just behind the linebackers (sometimes in front of them) and turn around. They would throw in some play action occasionally to confuse them even more. Our defensive line did just fine. But Bowman was throwing it (just like UTEP) quickly because it was easy and effective. --Overshown really struggled. The only thing I'll give him is that he put forth the effort, which is more than I can say for Juwan Mitchell. Fuck that guy, put in a walk-on, I don't care. What a pussy. I hope all Overshown does all week is work on tackling. --The offense hung us out to try in the third quarter with a horrific series that put our guys back on the field too early after a long Tech drive. Maybe it's an excuse, but it's true that the D was gassed. --Reese Leitao gets abused any time he's in the game. He got flattened so badly on a pancake once that I thought they might need a bulldozer to scrape him off the turf. --The DBs aren't great, but they aren't terrible, either. Give credit to Vasher, a senior wide receiver, for making some really nice plays. --I mean I could say our tackling sucks, but you have eyes. --Sterns was oddly quiet. Perhaps they didn't go to his side of the field much, but I didn't see him making much noise. --Ash is gonna have to earn his paycheck against these up-tempo spread teams using bad linebackers and mediocre defensive backs. I hate to think what Oklahoma will do to our defense, and the only hope we have is that our offense can do the same to them.
  13. Rewatched the game. Here's what I took from it: --The right side of our offensive line is a sieve. Christian Jones didn't block the right guy on numerous occasions, allowing a man to come through untouched. Okafor still doesn't know how to handle a stunt, and he holds half of the time when he blocks the correct man. --You're not going to want to hear it, but Cosmi wasn't some stalwart, either. He got driven back on numerous occasions by significantly smaller guys. The offensive line is what's killing this offense. It's hard to start a drive on 1st and 20 because of holding on the first play of the series. BUT, it also didn't help when... --Sam was horribly inaccurate on many important throws. This is two weeks in a row someone has gotten hurt (Whittington, Black) because of throwing behind or below them. Black wasn't hurt badly, but he still had to come out of the game. Consider the low throw on the double pass, throwing behind Moore numerous times (even the touchdown that Moore caught at the end), throwing behind Brewer. All day long he made either bad passes or bad decisions. Thankful he brought us back for the win, but he had a pretty bad game up until that point. --Speaking of Whittington, we really miss him and Jake Smith. Kai Money is doing what he can, but there was at least one play where if Jake Smith catches that ball, he likely takes it to the house. Money got about 12 yards out of it. We really need he or Whittington in the game. --It's really hurting us that Eagles hasn't become what we had hoped, because we don't have a receiver of that magnitude that teams have to respect. Moore is doing well and I like his game, but we're really missing a guy like Eagles who has the ability AND the mentality for the position. --Lastly, I'm convinced that Sam could have run for 150 if he just pulls it down and takes off on numerous third downs where they abandon the middle of the field. Tech blitzed a ton, but Sam chose to force it into tight man coverage. There was so much room for him to run. He had a really bad game. --It's already hard playing with this OL. If Sam doesn't improve his play quickly, we'll be in shootouts the whole year. He's had a good career here, and this may be unpopular, but I don't think he has the ability to take us where we want to go. He's almost out of time, as it is. He's simply not accurate enough. I'm looking forward to seeing what Card can do (if he starts) next year. I'm tired of seeing long balls underthrown and crossing patterns thrown inaccurately. Hit a man in stride, damnit.
  14. That’s some messed up shit. She broke into their home to take their granddaughter? String her up. **goes to check kids’ window locks**
  15. The Cowboys are the Longhorns. They do less with more than any team in the league.
  16. Hahahahahahaha! You’ve got to be kidding me.
  17. Some cultures just personify mistakes and a lack of discipline. Cincinnati. Detroit. The Jets. Dallas. Other franchises just have a culture of winning. Pittsburgh. Seattle. New England. New Orleans. I had hoped McCarthy would change the culture in Dallas. Maybe he will in the long run. But the early, early returns aren’t promising.
  19. Someone tell me why Kai Money is playing so much.
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