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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Some of our guys were at the forefront of the call for justice and change after the death of George Floyd. Im curious to see if the NBA, MLB boycotts filter down into fall camp.
  2. Y'all be safe. Living in SW Florida, I'm well acquainted with the anxiety this type of storm creates, and the damage it causes.
  3. This shit right here. Fuck that guy and their entire fucking team.
  4. How the hell is Carrington gonna help the Brockermeyers? Not buying this. Screw them.
  5. If Dallas is at full strength, the Clippers are down 3-1.
  6. It’s absolutely breaking my heart that you woke guys are negging me for thinking that black people should be held accountable for their racism just as white people are.
  7. I simply like that he’s not afraid of competition.
  8. What an absolute bunch of shit. The double standard is fucking obvious. It’s a perfect analogy.
  9. Dallas is going to be so damn good over the next few years.
  10. You fuckers need to get with the program. We shouldn’t still have to be explaining the woos and the choos and the glizzys and the thots.
  11. The speed with which you have ascended to worst poster on Surly is truly outstanding.
  12. I’m not liking our chances with Shemar Turner at this point. Then again, I could just be a fuccboi.
  13. Frankly, I just don't have much confidence in the staff to maximize JQJ's potential while he's here. I've been disappointed in the use and development of guys like Ossai, Overshown, Foster...like the staff couldn't decide on a position for them. The Milroe new sucks primarily in relation to JQJ. IF the praise for Card is legit, it's hard to see how JQJ gets on the field for the next few years. Hope I'm wrong.
  14. I feel bad myself for opening this thread.
  15. I've seen a list like this before...where was it.... ...oh yes, last year's 2021 OL talk. PTSD and shit.
  16. Holy shit. That’s a huge development. That kid is really good.
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