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Ghost of Shag

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Everything posted by Ghost of Shag

  1. Don’t express frustration with Ewers in the other thread or you’ll get begged into oblivion.
  2. Is there any timeline on how much longer Disu is out?
  3. Plenty of people here who feel the same way I do. We’re never gonna agree on this. No use beating a dead horse.
  4. I’m sorry, but y’all have forgotten what good quarterback play looks like.
  5. He’s mentally I’ll. He won’t comprehend what you’re saying.
  6. No you haven’t. You’re twelve.
  7. And she still wouldn’t fuck your dumb ass.
  8. You’re fucking retarded.
  9. I’m ready for Arch to start his career at Texas. Sick of watching Quin’n, frankly.
  10. What the hell has gotten into Auburn this cycle? Where are they getting this kind of money?
  11. Motherfuck I didn’t realize what thread I was in and thought you meant our RG was out. Shit.
  12. Where are all the blowhards who repeatedly declared it was asinine that Quinn might return next year?
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