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notre dame joe

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Everything posted by notre dame joe

  1. The op-ed was vanilla and probably went through 20 drafts from an outside firm. None of the critics seem to have read it. However they are not tone deaf. Jack and Jenkins were not speaking from a position of strength. I don't see how the op-ed can be a CR indicator compared to how they just moved our Hockey from the East to the BUG.
  2. ND@SC slightly edged out the Iron Bowl this year. Partially because SC was still playoff-live.
  3. You would think the private schools would get the message and form their own union. But no they would rather wait until they get voted off the island.
  4. Well it's kind of simple. Is college football expanding or declining during consolidation. You can start the clock with Board of Regents that started media driven CR.
  5. So we are circling back to the CFA? @hurtlocker, they could rebrand as the PACC. and we could call them the P-wacc.
  6. I just heard that our football program had entered the transfer portal. False alarm?
  7. We saw that UT can leave w/o OU but not the other way around.
  8. Your examples set the bar like I would rather watch the NFC Championship game then the NYJ preseason. The question is do you want to watch UT-TTech or UT-Ole Miss. The former has 100 years of history, the latter will be interesting by the time we are in nursing homes.
  9. I can't keep up with gaming nowadays. I assume there is some SIMS like Candyland multiverse that will eventually be a movie? On SDSU, you either want to play in Southern California or you don't. I am unaware of any private schools in the area that could be convinced to revive their football.
  10. Final Countdown is absurdly overplayed. Although I guess not when it came out. ND celebrated the end of her bowl victory drought (Aloha bowl vs U Hawaii Xmas eve 2009) with Bad Medicine by Bon Jovi. And that was before we knew Bon Jovi jr would curiously enroll. Coach Freeman seems a good fit for The Temptations.
  11. The middle is fine. I know Jefferson Starship was popular but for football recruiting? It is hard to remember and appreciate how little video media recruits were consuming in the 1980s.
  12. WAC10 I love it. As to the above, A&M did not want any more Texas schools following them to the SEC. Their want was drowned by what the tv networks wanted. It has been clear since UGA board of Regents v. NCAA that college football is marching towards an NFL model where the biggest programs will be in a tiny number of 'conferences.' UW and UO are just big enough that they must be included in whatever NFL we end up with. ND has bungled every decision for the last 10 years so I assume we will stumble into the BUG with our best buddy Stanford.
  13. Rhea Seehorn is in an episode of the New Twilight Zone. The shallow plot becomes much more involving if you see it as happening to Kim post-Saul.
  14. That's true of a lot of swat raids.
  15. I had no idea this show was that old. It would never have been produced in the post Jan 6th psychodrama. It was good although pretty anti-gov and one sided. These stories always start in media res when the cult is already organized and active. I wish they would spend some eps showing how the cultists get recruited.
  16. Too many saw that Marshall game. the matchup = ratings argument has been true for 100 years and we didn't land in a conference. And tv ratings could not not have even been a silent reason the dealt with the ACC; in the years leading up to 2012 Clemson was still Clemsoning and FSU was down.
  17. That may have been true 20 years ago. ASU is now a respected academic school that has exploded in breadth. However adding lot's of asian grad students and Californian transplants does nothing for interest in football or sports in general. Tangentially related: The Phoenix Coyotes will now play at ASU. Maybe the Cardinals will take notice.
  18. Yeah that's not how the world works and certainly not how my work computer works. You cannot even do your normal job without the Oscar CR being shoved in your face. How about Zippadeedoodah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah
  19. I couldn't tell whether Yogi Bear or the Jetsons was made in the 80s or 50s. Animation had not changed that radically. Now if it doesn't look like anime it is the equivalent of black and white tv. The Muppet Babies was very memorable and I could rattle off every character from the star wars episode like Kermit Skyhopper and Skeeter 3PO. I don't think I can remember a single joke from Gummy Bears.
  20. Can't they work out a deal where the streaming service leases out certain games to network tv?
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