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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by McFly

  1. It’s almost as if the government really doesn’t want any money back. Or does this just make all those required audits easier to process?
  2. Didn't there used to be just 2 rules to follow or get banned? No death threats and don't fucking troll.
  3. Well done sir. Have you shared the mac recipe?
  4. So you were trying to point something out but couldn’t help going political. That’s what is annoying. Just so I’m clear, you think because I can separate news from politics I don’t know sports are cancelled? Clearly you hate America.
  5. fuck off see below, everyone knows your audience and objective you are giving yourself way too much credit. this used to be a place for intelligent discussion from both sides, you have been instrumental in ending that though. if you hate rep so much and want it set to 0, why not create a new user name. problem solved. cool threat, breaking out a new pair of socks? so much this. don't go in CR, but you can't ignore cancer and make it go away you mean names like Hitler or Nazi sympathizer? it's trolling, plain and simple. a high order hypocrite troll I understand that he's driving clicks, page views, etc. that has benefits for the site owners, but it's so disappointing it's been allowed to go on as long as it has.
  6. I was thinking about this exact thing to prevent the CR from infecting the rest of the board. Something along the lines of if a majority of your posts are in CR, you must have a total positive rep score outside of CR. like +rep# : (total posts# - CR post#) 1:1 or 1:2, something scalable, or even the user can set. but that opens up the possibility of rep fraud. or CR posters will start shit posting if it's just # of posts outside CR. I plan on thinking and drinking on it tonight.
  7. McFly

    Below Deck

    Can't wait until June, June, Hannah
  8. Next time separate the flat from the point
  9. I started with an electric Brinkman smoker. Good cheap way to get your feet wet. I use a Weber Smokey Mountain now. Once you learn it, it's pretty much set and forget. Don't know about the ones you posted. Friend has a pellet Traeger pro 575 and says he hates it. Said it's a finicky POS and always acting up, has to vacuum out the used pellets, and the app only works half the time.
  10. in Firefox, I turned off Enhanced Tracking Protection. that helped with some of the embed twitter videos. Firefox also added a facebook tracking thing that was preventing a lot of things from showing up
  11. McFly

    Below Deck

    Good to finally see captain actually captain this episode.
  12. Maybe you need a better camera. Top picture looked promising but bottom was disappoint...almost roflbox-esqe
  13. Fuck you. My father's St. Augustine is gorgeous. He taught me everything I know about exterior irrigation.
  14. Feels like you’re trying too hard.
  15. I just had a feeling.
  16. Latest local news from Travis County https://www.traviscountytx.gov/news/2020/1945-novel-coronavirus-covid-19-information
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