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  1. Please leave your comment in the suggestion box and management will get to it in turn. Thank you for your contributions to the surly community. Sincerely, Mgmt
  2. Instead of fog machine for the intro, they can just blast crystalline silica dust in honor of all the dead/dying/destroyed lungs of coal miners. “Take me hommmmmeeee, country **hack cough hack spit hack cough hack** roadssssssss”
  3. Tim Brando is what happens when you anthropomorphize rectal cancer.
  4. Goddammit troph, charge ya muhfuckin’ phone.
  5. Didn’t he change his username bc it became synonymous with being a racist cunt? That’s the move of a weak minded pussy, which many racists happen to be.
  6. leftover meatloaf sandwich > leftover thxgiving turkey sandwich. Fight me.
  7. It’s just a matter of time before they are laid low by another sexual assault scandal or something of that sort. Franklin is a humongous piece of shit. A perfect fit for one of cfb’s biggest cesspools/shitholes.
  8. Our Billy goat growing up had 12” balls and he smelled like shit and he head butted you every chance he got. Total fucking asshole that had to be hogtied so we could worm the herd and trim hooves. despite this I somehow resisted the urge to commit a mafia style hit on this goat (we’ll call him Emilio to maintain privacy). Only psychopaths commit this level of cruelty toward animals. I wish her nothing but misery.
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