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Everything posted by hookemATL

  1. “Hey girl, I’m 6’ 1 & 13/16” tall. So…yeah.”
  2. I’d like heavy consideration to be given to Willie Nelson for president and Alexandra Daddario for vice. I think this ticket makes a lot of sense for a lot of reasons.
  3. I announce my candidacy. I’m running on a platform of legal weed, free breakfast tacos for everyone everyday, and wet wipes / bidets in all public bathrooms. America works the best with a clean anus!
  4. what about demerits? or frowny faces on our daily progress report? or check-minuses? make sure you clear the plan with daddy imma/blacklab before we implement these important changes to mollify your concerns.
  5. Lola (RIP best dog ever) our Aussie, used to dig up/find squirrel corpses that we had disposed of in back pasture and bring them to the door. She even dug up shallow grave critters that we put in the ground to try and keep her from the corpse play. Nothing like a dog that loves the smell of rotting flesh and wants to share it with the family!
  6. How much time is actually gained by being a cunt and standing up/forcing foward? Has to be maybe 3 minutes? If you are going to miss your connection, that sucks and I have been there but STILL did not stand in the aisle and press forward. This is all not to mention the crowding of the aisle, should an emergency/medical issue for someone arise. I feel the same way about those people as I feel about morons speeding and driving recklessly. Willing to put others at disadvantage and/or danger just to get where they want. Nowadays when I travel for work, I try to put myself into an observer/people watching mindset so I can just enjoy the insane/hilarious shit that grown adults do in the airport/on the plane. Shit I would never even deign to consider doing in public/that situation, these folks will just flagrantly fuck over whomever they can to get even a scintilla of an upper hand. These are the same people that do not return their grocery carts in the parking lot. I don't want to sound like a demon, but I would be fine with these folks going to reeducation camps to learn how to abide by the social contract.
  7. Unfortunately I found Brie doing a Nazi salute the other day. Looks like she might have been radicalized online, though she is half German / half French so maybe it’s a Vichy government type deal.
  8. This is hitting for the surly cycle. Thank you for the example you are setting for others.
  9. 1) is the dog an interpreter for other dogs watching in audience / on tv? 2) they are the same person. I’d love to see a face swap.
  10. “He got lucky that worthy saved his ass on that terrible moonshot of a throw. He will regress big time this season” /futurelobious
  11. some version of what Eric’s response in this situation
  12. What if like 50 raccoons meld together in a rat king type creature/situation? Think I’d take the bear over that super boss trash panda.
  13. And what is pitching but hitting in reverse??? AGGY 4D CHESS YOU SIPPPPPPPPPP
  14. "This one is good eatin'. The otherun's too scrawny for any sizeable meat haul, unless we took several of 'em and got a stew goin'."
  15. they were going as fast as they could!!!!
  16. “You guys hear some noise on the roof?” ”it’s just a squirrel or group of squirrels I bet. Now let’s watch this TikTok of this talking dog. ROFL you guys!!”
  17. Do your own legwork to prove your amazing theory, Copernicus. I’m familiar with the shotgun blast of buzz words that you have the limited cognition to let fall out of your gump mouth, but surely you can post one single sourced tidbit that helps somewhat support your drivel. If you have a compressed pdf of all these cataloged instances, you can post that. Or if it’s too big, a zip file will work as well.
  18. “Move aside, Ladder Man in the house!”
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