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Everything posted by Doze

  1. Should cross post in Vic's friends food thread?
  2. The only redemptive quality of Arkansas Football in the last 15 years.
  3. ^^^^ I wonder if they offer holiday gift cards?
  4. So......towing companies are too expensive?
  5. Not sure why this venue doesn't get a big bowl. I know they have limited seating (for now), but they would fill that place to the top with 2 decent teams. Don't need much of a reason to go to Vegas.....not to mention legally Gambolllllling on your team!
  6. Thank you Surlyhorns for the wonderful advice and kind words. From Bidets to stepped on Xanax advice....this board has changed my life!
  7. A redeeming pic from one of my FB friends.
  8. He was all brandishing this: News really sucks nowadays. I try not to pay attention to any of it.
  9. Theorized? Does anyone know this group of people? The group of people that are saying that Craig James killed 5 hookers while at SMU
  10. Member when Bobby Boucher showed up and the mud dawgs won the Bourbon Bowl? Bobby Boucher ain't no punk ass.
  11. Betting line just shows how everyone is betting, it moves based on how everyone is betting. Lots of Bama degenerate gamblers.
  12. Admittedly, I have only looked a Linkedin a few times. Unless you're self employed....Linkedin looks like a bunch of people panhandling for another job. Feel like it paints you in a bad light with your current company.....passive-aggressively floating your resume all over the internets. But WTF do I know, Get off my lawn.
  13. In lieu of a meteor hitting the stadium.... Secretly rooting for OU, at least in the semi-final game (Don't GAF about championship game). Big 12 curb stomping SEC SEC SEC grand champion would shut ESPN the fuck up.....and help pave the road for less future fucking-overs of the Big12.
  14. This should be rule #1 of the playoffs even if it goes to 8. GTF out of the way.
  15. Blow U still sucks, but Kyler Murray is a freak of nature.
  16. Has any team every moved up the "polls" with a loss? Serious question.
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