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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Gap03

  1. Appears to be real: https://www.kvia.com/crime/armed-man-driving-trump-truck-detained-outside-el-paso-migrant-shelter/1107247805
  2. Based on the press that he got in the Washington Examiner, seems like this guy is the type that is looking to intimidate / instigate - he seems to be dying for some attention. Just once it would be nice if one of these jackasses got the Philando Castile treatment instead of someone that wasn't specifically trying to start shit.
  3. Nothing to see here - he's obviously mentally ill and this has nothing to do with the words of the President or the constant bombardment by Tucker and Laura. Fuck me.
  4. Damn straight. I'm going to drop some more $$ to Susan's future competitor. As a reminder, here's the link for those who want to send a monetary "fuck you" to this worthless sack of shit: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fund-susan-collins-future-opponent
  5. I love that guy, but why do I get the sense he's gonna get the Jerry Maguire treatment?
  6. This should be a centralized effort by the Dem state party offices, given everything we know about the way the Rs (and the Russians) operate. Not only should they be encouraging everyone to check that they remain on the rolls, they should have a reporting mechanism so that they can keep tabs on who's getting removed. I have a funny feeling there will be a lot more Rodriguezs getting bumped than Smiths, but I'm sure that will just be a coincidence.
  7. And I wouldn't be surprised if a group of D supporters takes the time to distill the donor lists down to summarize the biggest contributors in each state along with a tie to their business interests. In fact, I think it's just a matter of time, and I'd welcome it. Time for some of the transparency to be put to use.
  8. Agree with all of this. I was aware of OpenSecrets.org and figured that it was there because the FEC database was difficult to use. To my surprise, the FEC page is pretty darn user-friendly. For example, it's really easy to get the list of Texas residents that have made a contribution $2000 or more (651 contributions in total) to Trump over the last couple of years: Texas residents donating $2000+ to Trump Of course, it's just a matter of time now before the Rs try to shut this down because the money might just start to dry up if Castro's approach starts to catch on.
  9. I don't disagree with all of this, but there is a reasonable argument that part of the game is getting McConnell out of his position as Senate Majority Leader. I'm not sure that it would work, but if you could put a handful of senators in 2020 battleground states in a position that they have to go on record as supporting the traitor in the White House, maybe the Dems could regain control of the Senate. Ultimately, I suspect that McConnell would let some of the R senators vote to remove if it was critical for their election prospects since all he needs is 34 senators to block, but I think there could be some value for making a strong case for removal in the Senate and making the Rs own their treachery.
  10. It seems like Turner might have gotten wind of the fact that some on Surly don't view Ohio as the taint of 'Murica and wanted to set the record straight.
  11. First session, but after a break (which is what I think DD was referring to).
  12. Seems like Jordan got under Mueller's skin a bit there at the end. Hopefully the Republicans keep this up all day, especially that part about the impeachable conduct that was raised at the beginning. Maybe we can get one of those Carl Lee Hailey moments out of Mueller (although I'm not holding my breath)...
  13. God, can they just start questioning Zebley instead of Mueller? Mueller can't hear shit and can't remember shit. So frustrating...
  14. And now Sensenbrenner is trying to get Mueller to say Trump engaged in impeachable conduct? The Dems should just yield their time to him.
  15. Wow - do the Republicans really want to push Mueller to take a position on whether Trump was guilty of obstruction? I hope they keep prodding him all morning.
  16. Too bad they can't send the Phoenix / Mesa PD after them ...
  17. Wow, an R actually voted "yes" - Amash? Nm - apparently retracted or just mis-reported on the stream. Spineless, the lot of them ...
  18. We can thank Rush Limbaugh for creating the wedge in the early '90s, and Fox News took the ball and ran with it. Couple that with Obama's election, and here we are.
  19. See if you can swap seats with a 6 yr old and slip him a $20 to kick the shit out of Cruz's seat for the next 3 1/2 hours?
  20. FIFY. We've already seen that a good portion of America is too fucking lazy to try to weed out the Fox News / GOP disinformation campaign from the avalanche of stories about actual corruption and other misconduct by the Trump administration. I can totally see a good portion of America beyond the Trump base sit on the sidelines as Barr tries to go after Pelosi / Schumer / other enemies for "crimes."
  21. And does anyone else from the U.S. get to listen in on any of these discussions? I'm assuming no - because reasons (other than Trump still being a traitor controlled by Putin, of course).
  22. Fair enough, but if Mueller is allowed to testify, he needs to realize what needs to be done to undo the damage that Barr has caused. Drop all the nuanced, conditional, overly reasoned statements and just drop some bombs that even the idiots will understand.
  23. Maybe - but I still want to stab McConnell and Graham regardless ...
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